Chp 21

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Zen shifted in her sleep. She could feel claws digging into her legs. Her eyes snapped open. In the dark, she couldn't make out the outline of something crawling on her. She could certainly feel it! A silver bandana glowed in the darkness as whatever it was climbed all over her legs. She squealed. She still couldn't move freely. The clamp was still over her waist and she was really sore. Then the thing flashed into being. First a long yellow tail, then a large scaly body with stumpy legs and large claws, and finally a head with great big eyes the color of liquid steel, and a very long tongue that licked her fingers. She screamed.

"There you are, Skin!" Shouted Marek as he picked up the three-foot iguana. Skin licked his face before fading out of existence leaving a silver scarf visible. Marek held on. "No way buddy. You scared the lady. You are going back to your terrarium for now." He turned to a terrified Zen and smirked. "He means well. He was curious about you. I'm Marek by the way, co-pilot to the SMVK."

Zen wiggled slightly and sighed when she couldn't scratch even her nose. "Zen Amargarita. It's nice to meet both of you," she said, eyeing the iguana. She didn't want to offend anyone but...she didn't want Skin near her again. Not if she could help it anyway and it was clear to her that she couldn't right now. She was a prisoner in a bed. Not even able to lift her own head! She felt like a tortoise without a shell, defenseless against sharks or an iguana as the case was.

"Marek, Why are you troubling my patient," asked Kiera who was standing by the door.

"She found Skin," he replied, carrying the disappearing iguana away from Zen who took a breath.

"Take that monster and lock him up. He's causing my patient undue stress. Her heartbeat has skyrocketed," said Kiera as she approached Zen.

Marek sighed and carried Skin away. "Everyone's scared of the little guy. We're going to visit Papa."

Kiera brushed back her hair and tapped her foot. "Darn monster iguana," she muttered as she removed the clamp and slowly hoisted Zen into a sitting position.

"That monster didn't sit on any of the stitches did it," she asked.

Zen shook her head. "It was crawling all over my legs when I woke."

"Good, you don't want to be stapled again."

Zen winced. "Once was enough," she turned to face the woman. "Uh, who are you?"

"My name is Kiera and I'm a nurse droid model 1934126."

Zen's arms quivered as she held herself up. Noticing this, Kiera extended her mechanical arm to surround Zen and help stabilize her. Zen froze as the metal surrounded her like a vice.

"Uh, Kiera?"?


"Nothing, thank you for the assist." Shifting slightly, she took in the room. It was a small cubicle separated by a white curtain, with a med bed, and a desk a little farther to the left. There was a light hanging above her. Probably LED hybrid with how bright it is! The desk was piled with books and folders and there was even a small filing cabinet beside the desk. The wall was littered with wooden shelves built slightly sideways. On it she could recognize Medical Today and Research Now Encyclopedias. Kiera held out a glass of water and she took it gratefully. As she drank the water, she noticed the floor was littered with pencils and papers, but Zen was only focused on the picture of a younger Kiera and an older male. Kiera followed her gaze and smirked.

"That was my master before I was thrown away for a newer model."

Zen was startled and winced from her sudden movement, grabbing her side.

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now