Chp 7

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A few weeks ago, Zen came across the Hoodlum gang but this time Johnny simply waved at her and kept shut. She arrived at her home and changed her red dress for her brown smock and ran outside to her small inbox. She typed in the code and with a small beep it opened to show a small envelope. Smiling, she took the envelope and headed inside unsealing the envelope carefully to reveal a small slip of paper with a contact code on it. She programmed the code in and began to watch the vid. A hologram of Isaias hollering for his roommate to get his smelly underpants off his side of the room appeared. Then he turned to Zen.

"Hey, Hermanita. As you can see I'm fighting with yet another roomie for my own space. I'm getting a new roomie soon though. Hopefully one with a space bubble and some cleaning habits. How has everything been at home? How's Mama? I'm doing well. My team was the only one to pass simulations today. My partner is serious and kinda strange but we got along well and got through the simulation. If it wasn't for him we would have failed too, so I guess he's not such a bad guy. He really needs help with hand signals though. Are you practicing the ones I showed you? They could come in handy one day!"

"Hey, Cabron! I need to use the messenger!"

"Hold on I'm almost done!" Isaias shouted at a stocky redhead. He turned back to her."Well, I got to go hermanita see ya! Take care! Talk to you next Friday if time permits!" He waved and the transmission cut off. Zen stood smiling then began recording her vid. Her eyes went red for an instant. She walked to the only mirror in the house and smiled.

"As you can see everything is fine. I just got through a nasty conversation with uncle. Apparently, the shipment is delayed a few weeks and the testing for the guards will begin soon. He's going to test newbies so be ready! I want you for my guard Isaias! Mama is seeing Don Rodriguez outside of work more frequently. Sometimes just to talk but there have been a few dates. I'm happy for her Isaias. You should be too! Pray uncle never finds out though. She's forgiven you long ago just so you know but I think the Guerrero life is suiting you well. I have to start icky dinner so see ya! Love you and be careful in the exam ok? Bye." She stopped recording and wrote the code for the message on a piece of paper before resealing the small envelope and sending it through the mail slot. It would be picked up by a droid and given to Isaias as today was Friday, mail day for Lows. She hurried and took out the pots and pans for cooking onion soup before her mom arrived.

It was a quarter to seven and Zen had eaten and bathed and still no mom.

Hmm, must be with Don Rodriguez again.

She looked at the leftover soup and shrugged. She began looking for a bowl to store it in. They didn't have many when a familiar laugh came from the outside. She peeked through the front window and spotted her mom laughing with Don Rodriguez. She smiled and went back to the kitchen. It's none of my business anyway. Although Isaias would probably want to know.

She sidled up to the window and began recording the small scene.

Rosa smiled as Carmelo brushed her cheek before he leaned in and kissed her cheek. She blushed.

"You charmer," she muttered smiling.

"Is it working?" he asked.

She gazed into his eyes and smirked. "Keep trying Don Juan," she chided and laughed at his fallen expression.

"You are one very hard nut to crack dear Rosa."

"I always have been. Not even my husband could completely crack me...but keep trying," she whispered leaning in. "You might be lucky," she winked and left for her house leaving a bemused Don. She opened the door and found Zen on the floor laughing.

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