Chp 18

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"Looks like it's a fight they want! Zen do you have your knives?"

"In my dimensional pocket. If we...stop long...enough to...breathe... I'll get them out."

They ran behind a stone building and Zen did as she promised, expanding her dimensional pocket to look for her knives, the ones Marie Elena had given her. Luckily she didn't have to search long and she grabbed the pair of knives strapping them to her shoulders and popping back her dimensional pocket to its carry-on size, a watch.

Isaias inspected the knives. "Uncle give them to you?"

Zen shook her head. "Marie Elena didn't want them and gave them to me for this trip among other things like spare changes of clothes etc. funny thing is that all the clothes are fighting style."

"She must have had a presentimiento again. She's good with those."

Zen nodded and turned to Marco who was strapping a long knife to Edline's waist.

"Use this alright? It's just like your blade back at home."

Edline nodded. "What about you Marco?"

Marco grinned and pulled out his dimensional pocket. Then he surprised everyone by taking out another specialized gun and a sword. He winked. "Gotcha covered little sister don't worry."

Edline smiled and hugged her brother around his waist

Marco patted her head and stood beside Isaias who had two whip chains hanging off his pants belt loops while he held onto the Destroyer he was gifted with on joining the Guerreros. "I think everyone is fairly suited up for," he cocked his gun dramatically while Marco rolled his eyes and Zen and Edline smiled. "let's go get some!"

They walked out of the building's eaves cautiously and into the streets looking both ways like lions on the prowl, straining their ears for any noise. Zen heard it first.

"Run," she screamed, grabbing Edline's hand and taking off for some trucks on the streets. A few seconds later, rapid-fire burst out and everyone separated running in different directions.

Isaias slammed into an old car with his Destroyer in front of him. He looked around for the others spotting Marco not too far ahead. He noticed he was in a ring of cars. That could help with hiding from whoever is pelting us with gunfire or it could work against me with exploding projectiles assuming they don't have other means of weapons at their disposal. Then he smelled something burning. Is that gas? He looked for the smell and noticed that the car had a leak and was now on fire. "Shit!" He scrambled up and ran to another car. Thank god I wasn't leaning against that hunk of junk!

"There you are rat!"

He rolled to another car and cocked his gun tit and shot several rounds. A wall of fire rose and neutralized the bullets as fast as they were shot.

The man laughed. "That won't work on me!"

A freaking fire elemental, great!

This time he saw it. Mara made a fireball and launched it at the car he hid behind. He rolled backward to the last car and came up to a crawl unhooking a whip from his pants, then waited for his prey to come to him. It was difficult when the cars began to explode behind him forcing him to hit the ground running. Damnit! I can't keep running! And that fire is hot! I've got second-degree burns at least!

He appeared behind his chosen car and swung his whip at the pyromaniac.

It smacked him in the face sending him backward slightly. Isaias didn't want to hit him too hard in case he could explode on contact like some fire elementals could do. Growling, the man shot a line of flames at Isaias who rolled to avoid it and swung his chain again to wrap around the man's arm, and jerked taking him off balance. Standing, Isaias ran over to him and kicked the man in the head taking him down. Wrapping his whip around the man's neck, Isaias pointed his gun to the man's head and cocked the trigger. The man grinned and began to glow. "Dammit! You can explode, can't you?"

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now