Chp 32

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Stephan pressed himself against a curvy feminine body. His hands traced each curve gently, as he kissed the owner gently on her soft petal-soft lips. Her fragrance of blueberries from the wild fields where she worked, lingered in her hair, and her skin. Once more his mother had separated them and sent Asfodel on a secret mission to another planet as part of BEI's prisoners-of-war treaty.

They were to clear the way for the army to pass into a new civilization, which he led the forces. He kissed her smooth fingers which had never seen labor work before she was a prisoner. Asphodel was the princess of the Yuka clan and she tried to lead it with dignity. Stephan had never met such a beautiful and capable woman except for his mother. He should have known but he was blinded by her false sincerity.

"You are a wonder, Stephan," she mouthed and grinned when he reacted positively. "There is no one like you anywhere," she whispered gazing into his eyes and caressing his cheek. "I know that I can count on you to destroy the An Shrank people for me right?"

He gazed at her and nodded. "Anything for you. Anything you ask, I will do," he promised kissing her again.


The screams of the An Shrank were boundless as BEI swept in like black horsemen of the apocalypse and devoured its people. In the chaos, he stood strong with Asfodel by his side delighting in her revenge.

"More!" she cried, signaling a pregnant woman, one Stephan knew personally. She had helped him fit in when the others were yet wary of him. She treated him like a son when he had a mother who didn't give a damn about him. For once he had known a mother's love. He felt her gaze following him no judgment within, only a mother's concern for her son.

Asphodel's eyes lit on her and she pointed at the woman. "Use your tentacles on that woman," she said.

Stephan shook his head. "Pick someone else."

Asphodel smiled and tossed her knife at the woman, subconsciously Stephan made a shield around the woman forgetting she couldn't breathe water. Back then he had no control over his abilities, and he had to watch the woman drown; the love in her eyes turn to hate as she died slowly.

He remembered Asfodel's laugh and her words. "You are such a little monster."

Hours later he came about the body of that woman and buried her with closed eyes, not wanting to see the hatred she felt for him at the end.

Soft hands on his cheeks made him glance into mahogany eyes but seeing only the self-imposed image of Asphodel's dark blue eyes and her cruel smile. He shoved the comforting hands off and Zen gasped when a tentacle wrapped around her squeezing.

Isaias reacted and tugged Zen away from Stephan but not before she screamed, "Stephan! Wake up!" She slapped him from his daze.

Stephan blinked, his eyes unclouding.

Marco stood watching his baby brother come from a bout of his own PTSD. Looked like his family was screwed up. He hoped Zen could help him although with this episode happening, she didn't look pleased. He strode over to Isaias who was the only thing between Stephan and the nuclear blast that was Zen, about to go off.

"Just where in the hell do you get off with shoving me and treating me like my uncle!" she yelled and winced holding her side.

"Zen..." Stephan tried.

She ignored him and turned to her uncle who for some miracle wasn't dead. She glared at the man who was a Don and yet was a pitiful excuse of a living being. Still, Marie Elena was her close cousin and well her only close cousin and the only decent human in her family. She didn't deserve to die for trying to save a child's life. She ignored the strange feeling of sadness when she glanced at Stephan. She closed her eyes and held the crystal close to her.

'He hurt you. Do you not want payback, guardian?'

No, I don't but somehow I feel even more hurt than when I was squeezed by him.

Your heart is wounded.

My heart? Maybe it was.

Zen sighed and opened her eyes. Turning to the others. "Marie Elena is the only good individual of the Arrio family we have. If I can save her then shouldn't I try?"

Isaias was going to answer her but Stephan was quicker. "Absolutely not! You've already lost a fourth of your life force to the crystal. You can't lose anymore!"

Zen turned to him with cold indifference. "I wasn't asking you was I?" I know what I lose but the person I lose it for is worth it. She has done nothing but help my family from one bad deal. She deserves to live just as much as I do."

Stephan was at a loss. He couldn't stop her from using the crystal. That was the right of the Guardian, but he didn't want to lose her to the crystal. Maybe there was a middle ground? He thought of all his GC training and smirked. Maybe that could work?

"Fine but I'm coming with you. I can halt the crystal if it's taking too much life force."

Isaias nodded. "I vote yes to that precaution, hermanita."

Rosa nodded and Carmelo pulled out a very thin pen from his pocket. "We are all in agreement then. Zen will help Bernado in, and Captain Stephan will accompany her to this Quest."

"I haven't agreed," Zen grumbled glaring at Stephan. He couldn't deny that it stung a bit to hear she didn't want his company but he was hellbent on seeing this through. He'd have to comm Marek and tell him of the change of plans. He had time. Bernado needed it to recuperate from his fractured bones and such. Sometimes he could be a real monster when he wanted. That thought brought no joy to him and Asphodel's words kept repeating like one of those early 20th century record players. He'd seen one once in an intergalactic species museum. He didn't get how humans stood them.

"I'm not a monster," he muttered to himself. Sometimes he almost believed it.


Zen lay on her bed, wanting to cry. Why did Stephan attack her? She wanted answers but was too afraid of them at the same time. This changed everything she thought about him. I thought he was safe and would never hurt me. I was wrong on so many accounts! Maybe Isaias is right to suspect him.

Her door budged and she feigned sleep. Cool hands touched her cheek before vanishing with a few brushes. She could smell his deep water smell lingering and she opened her eyes to catch the end of his bomber jacket, the same one he always wore. His unexpressed feelings were left hanging in the air. She sighed and closed her eyes imagining a time when things were better and slowly drifted to sleep. Tomorrow would bring better days, and her mission could begin without a hitch. Tomorrows were always better.

End Book 1

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now