Chp 30

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"Isaias, unless you want me to use the crystal, stop your grumbling," warned Zen as she blinked tears away from her eyes. The lights were too bright and her side was hurting terribly again. It had likely caught another infection being in such an unclean place.

"If there was a shadow around I could get us free of here," grumbled Isaias wiggling in his seat again.

Zen rolled her eyes at her brother's antics. "Grow up! We are trapped by light why don't you try to pick the cuffs instead of being a Superman?"

"With what?" he yelled raising his hands. "Thin air?"

Zen scoffed and whispered. "They never patted me down, idiot. I still have my knives."

Isaias laughed and hugged Zen taking out her smallest knife from her shoulders before drawing back. "Idiot, Luis," he muttered before turning his attention to the cuffs. He'd have them picked in no time. Soon he had his cuffs off and was working on Zen's cuffs. They had to think about what to do when they were free. I can't let Marco have all the fun.

As he was thinking that Marco was thinking about what else to do, as he and Tortuga drove to where Isaias and Zen were being kept. Who the hell names themselves after an animal? Oh well, he was easy to manipulate at least.

Tortuga was in a dream but not his favorite kind. First, he was in his car driving. He hated his car. Second, his usual partner was missing and upstaged by some young thang. Not his type. Third...where in the hell were they going? He got murky thoughts of Zen and Isaias and their whereabouts. Something he'd never tell willingly. Everything was wrong! That's how he knew this was mind control at its finest. He fought through the fog enough to make a comm call to Nathan and he had enough sense to whisper it low enough that the boy couldn't hear.

"Code 96 red," he murmured and quickly got off.

Marco's eyes narrowed. He had heard the SOS call being put through and cursed. Using his Traveler abilities wore him out but they were necessary right now. His eyes glowed eerily for a minute before he tamed that aspect and made Tortuga glance into his eyes. They fogged up again.

"Tell me the coordinates to this Nowhere place," he said waiting for Tortuga to respond but Tortuga was silent. Shit, I just had to grab a natural blocker! If I use any more of my power, I won't be able to teleport.

Marco took the easiest way out by ripping the information from Tortuga's mind leaving a bleeding male by the road and teleporting to Isaias and Zen who needed him more. He hated using what he learned in BEI but he had no choice. It was either Tortuga or Isaias and he wasn't going to let his partner or his twin sister down. He blushed. He was through running from Isaias.

When he teleported in, he had to teleport again.


Zen and Isaias sat on their chairs wondering what to do when the door to the shack opened and in stepped Luis. He had a bandage over his head and an eye patch to hide his black eye from hitting his Lamborghini. Isaias smirked and elbowed Zen who grunted. Her wound was aching. Being so close to the damn light had made her sweat a bucket, right into her wound. It was definitely infected. She could smell it from here.

"Well, Isaias, never thought daddy's prized slaves would be entertained by me," said Luis chuckling.

Isaias scoffed but it was Zen who said, "Says the guy who got rammed by a crystal into his Lamborghini. I warned you didn't I?"

Luis growled and stepped closer. Immediately the crystal began to warm and vibrate against Zen's chest, sending a warning beam when Luis stepped too close. Isaias laughed but the strange glint in Luis's eyes shut him up.

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now