Chp 4

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Zen dusted the hallway mirror. She lifted it with the strength she gained from hours of training at the Arrio compound, and lightly dusted the back. Somewhere in the past hour one of Suzanna's friends had broken out the android fluid and as such everyone was busy getting high. Zen had taken her notes for the day. Now she was doing her real job and cleaning the house which wasn't so bad. A scream alerted her to the brunette finding the trapped mouse in the kitchen. She had yet to be rid of it. Just as she was moving on to the bedrooms the doorbell rang.

Probably another of Suzanna's friends

She went to get the door but Suzanna shoved her to the floor and ran to get it. She opened it and let a handsome stranger in. He was quirking one perfect brow and a devilish smile played on his lips as Suzanna led him to her room.

Does she even know who he is?

Zen scoffed but peeked into the room to spot the stranger talking to the brunette who was almost gone on android fluid. It was the drug of choice in this era. It came from the fuel of androids.

I'll stick close by just in case pretty boy acts up.

Zen drifted to the bedrooms and began to clean, keeping an ear on the girls. After a while, she didn't hear a thing and went to check things out. She found the boy looking through Suzanna's palm book while the girls were all knocked out. Zen knew it was hers by the cute dog chain on the palm book. She snickered and turned to leave.

Serves her right for letting a stranger into the house. He could rob her blind! Then again they'd probably blame it on me instead.

"You shouldn't be looking through that," she said.

The boy looked up to show the most amazing eyes of clearest blue to Zen.

"She said I could look through it all I wanted," he said, smiling that devilish smile of his.

Zen sighed. "She's not exactly in her right mind right now. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know who you are. I've never seen you in her group of friends before."

He smirked. "I knocked on the wrong door but was so graciously received that I couldn't disappoint," he said.

Zen smirked. "I knew it was something like that! Well, what's your name at least?"


Zen rolled her eyes. "Is there a family name that goes along with Stephan?"

"Not for you. Well, I must be leaving. Give my regards to..."

"Suzanna Constantine," she provided smiling.

"Yeah, her. Maybe I'll drop in again..."

Zen shook her head. "Nuh-uh. You are a literal stranger. You don't get my name besides I'm just a Brownie."

He ran his fingers through tussled copper locks and then nodded. She showed him to the door and he stepped out. She held out her hand.

"Huh," he asked confused.

"Don't try to be slick. I know you still have the palm book. Give it."

He fingered the rose-colored book in his pocket before handing it over.

"Sorry, I must have forgotten about it."

"Sure you did," muttered Zen as she grabbed the palm book away and shut the door in his face.


Rosa felt eyes on her again. This was the fifth time she had felt them and sure enough, she turned around to find her boss staring again. She turned back to her work on setting the table for lunch and ignored him. Instead, she reminisced on her daughter's disappointed glare last night and sighed. She knew that as a Low, Zen had no choice against a mandate by her uncle, but she just wished that her baby girl would think for a minute before rushing off to do who knows what at her uncle's!

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