Chp 25

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The next day saw Zen in Kiera's care. Her infection was gone but her wound would not close. It was still very open although not as gaping as the first day. It was healing slowly. Too slowly for one of Zen's health and age.

"You'll probably have to laser it closed," said Kiera as she swiped antiseptic swabs over the tender flesh. Zen grimaced and held on to Stephan's hand harder. Once again he had been the closest one to her when Kiera had decided to check her wound.

"Is there anything that can be done in the meantime?," he asked, crystal blue eyes staring at Zen.

"Not much. Keep resting the wound and don't exert yourself. The decoagulant poison should be gone in a week. After that normal healing should kick in but infections are possible til then."

Zen sighed and nodded. "I have to keep a low profile. That should help with not over-exerting myself."

"Bedrest is best," said Kiera as she moved to a counter and took out the antiseptic cream.

Zen groaned but nodded.

Isaias who had remained silent by the door nodded. " Zen, maybe once we're at Camelo's we should laser it shut and be rid of any complications that could occur from it," he said glaring at how close the pirate was to his sister again.

"For once I agree with the gangster. You should laser it shut," said Stephan letting his hand trail to the beginning of the wound and linger slightly above, touching her.

Zen blushed and Isaias growled. "Hands off, pirate!"

Zen squeezed his hand as Kiera dabbed antiseptic cream over the wound. Stephan had moved his hand to trail her unusually free hair. Isaias looked ready to jump up and hit him but a slight brush from Marco's fingers stopped him. Isaias's eyes widened slightly and he turned to him.

"Come and help me reload our guns. We're out of that tech spot and they have a bunny for guns. We have to be prepared for anything," said Marco. Isaias glared at Stephan once more before leaving with Marco. Stephan watched the angry obstacle leave. Who knew that Marco would actually help me out?

He turned to Zen who was looking slightly pale from her daily checkups. It was obvious the news about lasers disturbed her. He swept her hair from her face to gaze into her eyes.

"You don't have to, you know-laser it I mean," he said rubbing her cheek gently.

She sighed. "It would be the best thing and I'm sure Carmelo would provide the funds. Besides, I don't want to be a burden and right now that's what I'm becoming," she said, sitting up and letting go of his hand. They were face to face now. If Isaias could see them now he'd start a fight to separate them. Zen blushed.

"You aren't a burden Zen. You took those hits because of Edline and I'm truly grateful. It would have been her death if you hadn't protected her."

"I should have been able to avoid this," she pointed to her wound. "I'm an experienced fighter. I should have blocked better. I could have avoided her sword the second time at least!"

Stephan brought his other hand to her face.

"Look at me Zen."

She did and was caught in his gaze.

"She was a gravity elemental, almost as rare as Val. You did the best you could with my sister in the way and knives. You were up against something you've never fought before and I think you did a damn good job." Stephan brushed her cheek with his fingers making her blush at his actions and words, " You survived and if anyone wants to say anything about it then they better be ready for me and the crew to back you up not to mention our brothers. Everyone was hurt in their fights. The only reason you aren't better is the de-coagulation poison running through your veins right now, otherwise, you'd be healed as well. Now cheer up. I'm sure Edline wants her drawing teacher to show her more techniques before you leave."

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now