Chp 3

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Zen hurried around the house searching for her dimensional pocket. Usually, she had it on her drawer but last night for the mission, she had to leave it in Marie Elena's room since it didn't go with the dress.

Oh, I hope I didn't leave it at my uncle's or I am so screwed!

Isaias walked in yawning and scratching his head.

"Morning sis. Shouldn't you be going to the trolley by now?"

Zen was checking the couch cushions and looked up. "Isaias have you seen my dimensional pocket," she asked, getting up and checking behind the couch.

"You more than likely left it at uncle's house."

Zen sighed and then tapped her ear. A contact list beamed before her eyes and she chose her contact.


"Zen it's early," came Marie's grouchy voice through the comm.

"Sorry, Marie. I seem to have left my dimensional pocket in your room again. I need it for work. Can you bring it over to Constantine's? I'm late as it is."

"Sure, what time?"

Zen winced. "As soon as possible...possibly now?"

"Zen! I need my beauty sleep!"

"Promise to owe you one Marie...please?"

"Oh fine but you really owe me!"

"Thanks, Marie."


Zen stood and straightened her brown smock dress and grabbed her brown tailcoat.

"I'm off. Hopefully, I'm not too late. Bye Isaias!"

"Bye, hermanita. Don't forget your lunch capsule!"

Zen came hurrying back and grabbed a brown capsule from the fridge before slamming the front door. Zen rushed to the trolley stop a few meters from her house and sighed when the bulbous lights from the trolley shone through the morning fog. It was likely to be a scorcher but the morning was quite cool enough to emit a thick fog. Zen watched the trolley glide like a silent snake on the prowl on the magnetized path, even though it had no need for wheels. It floated an inch above the rails that guided it like all vehicles with disengaged driving. It came to a halt a foot in front of her and she quickly bypassed the white sterling and cream cars and made her way to the last one, which was gray to match the color schemes of white and cream.

The car was packed like a plush toy, in an overpacked factory at this hour. She managed to find a solitary spot in the back where she found a place to hang onto the handlebars. The trolley started again and Zen gazed out the big window at the plywood houses of her neighborhood. The peeling wood was made to seem so real and it felt real she had the splinters to prove it. The metal doors contrasted greatly and were the only thing of real high tech allowed to the Lows along with letters and comms and that's because they were mandatory for everyone to have. Good construction material was left for the middle classes and the elite. Cement, Stone Marble all these were for them. As there was no real wood anymore from lack of trees, the Low had to deal with synthetic plywood and plastic that chipped.

She sighed. As the trolley moved on, Zen leaned her forehead on cool glass and glanced at the largest building in the city. The Enforcer's Quad where everything from fines to house bills was paid. It was round and shaped like a big U. She often wondered if they had forgotten the f in front of it. Most days that's what it felt like it stood for, a big FU to the classes, especially hers. A stone archway came into view which was the crossing from her side to Arco Iris.

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