well that's unfortunate

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As i reached the helicarrier finally, well i took the help of Spidey because searching for the helicarrier meant hovering around for 2 hours. I couldn't stand anymore. Thankfully, Spidey has enough strength to carry me up there.

Inside, i was quickly taken to the SHIELD hospital to help take care of my deteriorating health. After being on bedrest for 2 hours, i was finally able to stand again. The team was apparently in training so i took this as a chance to look at my new suit finally. I used a wheelchair, which was linked to saline, so that i would not lose any power.

I went to fury and asked to see the new suit. He directed me to the lab, and there i saw the new suit.

It was gorgeous. It wasn't too big, seemed like i could move in it, and with the help of stark tech, it wouldn't drain any power from me.

Fury told me I needed to stay in the helicarrier for the next day so that i don't faint in school. I said okay and went back to bed. The next day my sleep was disturbed at 4am, since that's when i usually wake up. Seeing that i was not needed, i went back to sleep.

At about 2pm, one of the doctors woke me up to tell me i should have enough power to move on about myself now. Without a wheelchair. They helped guide me in walking until i got my balance back.

After being able to do basic tasks without fainting, i went towards the engineering and science department to find my new suit. Upon reaching, i found the team talking to Doc Connors. Its been time since i last met him, he also had two arms back then...

I nod at him "hey doc uhh, sorry if you're talking about important stuff but Fury said my suit should be here? I just need a chance to get out of this... Thing...." I asked him.

"Oh yea Y/E/N, it was nothing too important, just showing these guys their new weapons. You can find your suit near Laura's station" he pointed using his only arm. I feel bad for him, but i had more issues to take care of.

I went to Laura and got my suit, excused myself to try it on. It fit like a glove. Not too big, also has a long overcoat to it. I told Coulson once that the reason i wore the puffy suit is to hide certain parts of my body which I'd rather not show, even in suit. It just seems awkward.

I come out of the changing room, a bit curious about how my hair would go, i didn't have really long hair, they're just not comfortable inside the suit. Laura chuckled at me trying to understand what to do, she then pressed a button on my new watch, which took out my hair perfectly.

"I see you guys have been obsessed with hair coming out of the suits lately" i laughed, glancing at Tiger and Spidey.

"Well we had enough of the complaints so it's now just how we make it as a default" Laura replied.

Connors walked over with the team and said "oh hey, looks like the suit fit!"

"Like a glove!" I replied.

"Right uh, Coulson said to ask you if you were planning on joining the team again, you know with the new suit and all" Connors asked.

"I wouldn't count on it. I've started a new life here, not in the birth way, uhh that was a weird sentence. But uh, i don't think I'm ready to go back to the field. I just need to get myself ready for a job which doesn't really have my life on a coin flip, no offense. I can help train the new agents, but i don't think I can help in the field." I replied.

"Just think about it Y/S/H/N" Connors said.

"As much as i appreciate the enthusiasm, from everyone, i can't risk my life like that. I don't really have superpowers, for one, and well, we have a past of me going out into the field and then being sent to medical. Thirdly, i don't think Spiderman is going to be around each time i need assistance to get into the helicarrier." I told Connors, seeing the disappointed look on my team i replied, "hey. Guys! I'm not leaving SHIELD, I'll just maybe help train you guys sometimes. Teach you everything i know." I continued.

"Well then I'll forward your word to Fury and see if he's still open to the idea of you training the team" Connors said.

"Anyways, I'll be off now. I have some work to do. It's not easy being MIA for 3 days" i laughed as i got out of the helicarrier and back home.

"Ugh i stink" i let out as i get out of my suit. I took a long shower, i needed it.

Oh right shit i had to finish my project with Pav. Oh wait right he's Spiderman, he wouldn't care. He leaves me a bunch of times to go fight villains.

Wait he doesn't know me Y/S/H/N. Uh oh.

I open my phone and it's filled with missed calls and messages from Pav. Shit.

------------ Pavitr Prabhakar ✨✨----------

"Hey Y/N! You didn't come to school today! I'm dropping by your house to give your the homework. 👽👽"

"Y/N? You weren't at home? If you went to travel you can just say so, no need to leave me on delivered.🙎🙎"

"Hey are you fine? You haven't been picking up your phone... 🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️"

"???? 😿😿😿"

Oh god what do I do. It's obvious he must've seen inside through the windows uh oh uhh.

How do I make a believable alibi?

Who am I kidding i work for SHIELD, it's literally in the 7th chapter of the handbook.

---------------- Pavitr Prabhakar ✨✨--------
"hey so sorry for that 🙁🙁🙁"

"I had to go for my Aunt's wedding
and my phone was on silent...."

"Sorry for making you concerned 😿😿"

"Oh it's no worries, can i drop
you your homework now?"

"Now is maybe not a good time..."

"I caught something while i was there..."

"Oh uh, should i bring some of Maya aunty's famous soup then?"

"You know what. I'd like that."


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