secret admirer

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I see everyone going to school, being happy as can be, but how can one be happy if they know they're going to die the next day indefinitely. Well not indefinitely, no matter what anyone says, I'm not sure I'm a part of the canon yet, but I can't help but believe it. We've come so far. Might as well fall back down while we're at it.

What a way to go out. Atleast i can die trying? Or happy?

No Y/N, you're not gonna die. Just go to school like a normal person.

I enter the gates behind which the school was hidden, along with the others. We all flood the doors of the building. Why am I doing this? I don't even want to go to school. Last day of living and I'm going to school. What a wonderful thing.

I sigh, pushing myself through the crowd to find my locker.

I've forgotten my locker number but I know exactly how to get there so it doesn't really even matter. I use my combination, also looking at the number labelling my locker, seperating it from the others.

Opening the door to my locker, i am bombarded with notes and roses. Most being from a secret admirer. There were some notes from Pav, he wrote his name on each one and also his handwriting was easily recognisable.

I opened one of the letter from the secret admirer, trying to understand who it was from. I couldn't recognise the handwriting, it was written just like a ransom note. It kinda reminded me of Hobie, but this wasn't him. I know that for a fact.

So who was it? Who sent these passive aggressive notes which if you read carefully sound like threats?

"I know who you are", even if written in a poem is absolutely terrifying, especially with the "night you'll never forget" in the other note? It sent shivers down my spine. These definitely were not love letters. Maybe what i had suspected since the announcement of prom was not just a part of my imagination.

I guess it's time to write some notes myself. I feared this would happen, i consulted Spiderghost about this, I guess writing notes to everyone is my best way to go.

I can't waste time sitting in class, i have to finish these letter, and I have to do it fast.

I stuff everything from my locker, all the notes, all my books, everything, inside my bag, using my shrink ray so I can fit everything inside. I grab my bag and escape school as soon as the bell rings.

I run back home, unlocking the door and dropping the components of my bag on my bed. I sit at the table next to my bed and I look at everything. All the notes, all the roses, everything.

I find some ruled paper in one of the drawers, and start writing away. A letter to everyone, last one before I go. I hope not, but this can't be a coincidence, and right before when the canon event is supposed to take place? I can't take any chances.

I took out the first sheet from the pack, and found a green pen from my stationary box, i couldn't find the words to say, but I knew exactly what I wanted to. Maybe it was just the fact that I didn't know where to start.

"Beloved... No not that" i say, as i scratch off the first word written on the paper.

"Dear... Yea that sounds better I guess." I mumble to myself, as I write down the first note. It took me about 2 sheets of paper to finish it. I scratch off a name from the list of people that i had made. I take out more sheets and start the second letter.

I was only done with 5 people and I ran out of paper, i had to change out of my uniform so I could go get some paper. I wear a black shirt and a blue puffy jacket on top of it, with some sweats. I walk out the door and start going towards the supermarket.

I enter the doorway, with the glass door opening automatically at sensing my arrival. I've been here for so many months but I still need help navigating the store. This is probably the last time I'll need help with this, so i brush it off.

After asking someone where the stationary aisle is, i quickly walk over to it and buy 8 packs. It's my last day, overspending won't kill me. I also buy my coloured pens, and some envelopes and stamps. People probably think I'm gonna write a big ass letter, and they aren't wrong.

I smile at the cashier as I get everything checked out. This much stuff doesn't really bother me to buy, if I ever need money I have my guardian guy who's like a billionaire, to give me like a few thousand bucks just so I can buy top quality paper. I won't really need it, but the thought of it makes me chuckle. I don't know why I even got a job when I have an active income for doing nothing at all.

I get my items checked out and i leave back for my home. Oh wait shit. I need to write a letter to Hillary too. She's the reason I'm here, in Manhattan. Almost extremely happy except the death thing hanging behind my back. Also the fact that her father is gonna be the reason for my death most likely. So eh.

She still deserves closure. And the truth. I can't lie to her, not anymore. She needs to know everything.

I should start with her letter. Get everything out of my mind. A few tears did drench the paper, but it was worth it. I wrote on 5 full pages for her, explaining everything. All the lies, the real reason I wanted to move, my real identity, her father's acts, and what happened that day in New York.

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