2 truths and 5 lies

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"isn't the light to the afterlife supposed to b- I've said this before. This has happened before. I'm in my old suit this is not real. This is deja vu" i say as i regain consciousness.

"Y/N is it that nightmare again?" Asked Danny.

"Thats the point fist. It's not a nightmare, it's a flashback. Hobie joining us and knowing who i am during battle proves it. I know thing have changed since i left New York, but the memories of what happened there... They're never going to leave." I answered.

"You guys are lucky you don't have any memory of it, kind of like Coulson and TAHITI. I live in fear every day that it's going to happen again. I don't want to- i can't say it or else they'll come back for me." I hesitate.

"Do you guys- ever think about leaving the whole SHIELD thing and starting a new life? With no strings attached? I tried doing that, because of what happened, but with what happened in that fight, i don't have the choice or luxury of knowing i can leave whenever i want. That's the real reason i came to Manhattan. I forgot my whole reason for this, but seeing the portal, everyone inside, and losing power of the suit, it reminded me of the horror because of which I'm here". I went on.

Another one of my half truths. The Sinister Six have to be defeated, and the rest of them are in Manhattan, and according to having seen Octopus here, especially on my first day at school, and alive? It's going to be soon when we have to defeat them again.

That was the canon which was broken. With Norman being in New York and Spiderman being in Manhattan, it left us to defeat the Sinister Six, well Sinister Four. It's canon for each Spiderman to having to defeat the Sinister Six, and that's why I was pulled into the spiderverse.

Miguel told me about how i was on the verge of death, and our world's Spiderman's canon event can't happen before we even met. I asked why I was brought here, if there was a different Y/S/H/N verse which i was unaware of, because then i should be sent there.

Since i was already doing research about the multiverse at SHIELD and was also a part of Spiderman's canon, which is why I brought there. I lied about how long i was there. They kept me there for a month, not a day. Until the entire canon was set to happen correctly. That's where I met Hobie, Peter, Gwen, Miles, Peter, Peter, Peter, Ben, Porker, Peni, Peter, Peter, Noir, Peter and did i mention meeting Peter?

"Hey guys can I stay here for sometime longer?" I asked. At this state, the last thing I wanted to do was to be near a Spiderman.

"We're sorry but we don't have enough room to keep you for longer Y/E/N." Replied one of the doctors.

"Okay then, just thought to ask" i answered back.

I asked Nova to drop me off at my house, since Pav had already gone home and i also couldn't ask him to drop me off without having me reveal my identity.

"Thanks bucket." I smiled and went inside. Watching the bright flash of light as he went back to the helicarrier.

I took a shower to clear my head. After i came out a heard a portal noise.

"Oh hey Y/E/N? You here? Hobie told me you're from Pav's universe. Wait do you know Pav is Spiderman? Well you know now. Anyways, where are you. Wait are you in the bathroom? Or are you over at SHIELD or whatever, we don't have that in my universe haha. Pav told me how you just go MIA sometimes and since Hobie found you at the flying machine thing i only figured you spend a lot of time there. Also does Pav know you're Y/S/H/N and why you're actually here? I guess not based off of how Hobie described his expression when he got here. How's it going with the canon? Oh what if you're not here and I'm just saying all this stuff to myself, well whatever. Oh is this one of your collectable-" went on the voice of a woman who i understood as Gwen.

"GWEN NO DONT TOUCH IT" i said, almost breaking my bathroom door. I heard about how she has a habit of opening things in packages from Miles.

"Alright alright" she said, putting her hands up.

"Forgive me if it's sensitive but how do you deal with it?" I asked, looking at how easily she put her hands up.

"You gotta be more clear than that" she replied.

"I mean with what happened with your father and all? How do you not get flashbacks doing simple actions such as raising your hands up? After i was sent to the spiderverse, even a simple punch brings back the nightmares." I continued about my question.

"Oh huh. I never thought of it. Well you see, i spent a lot of time in the spiderverse and also the fact that your event happened more recently than mine. It's been a long time since that happened for me. It still hurts, don't get me wrong, but it's not so bad." She answered.

"Anywaysssss... I heard from a little birdie that Mr i-am-amazing-at-reading-people fancies youuuuu..." She said and chuckled.

"And was that little birdie Nova?" I replied.

"Ah no it was the guy himself." She stared at me in a miss know it all face.

"Oh wow. Is that what Miguel meant by me being his canon event?" I asked.

"OOOOOOOOOHHH. That's some chai tea" she said. We both laughed for a moment.

"That aside, if we're talking about fancying, how about you and Mr nah-imma-do-it-my-own-way?" I asked her in a similar manner.

"Oh come onnnn, no fair" she replied.

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