half heartedly

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"Y/N? You seem to get lost in your thoughts a lot." Pav said.

Oh if only he knew. "Just past stuff." I put if off.

"Oh come on, we've been dating for 2 weeks now, i think we're past just passing off anything about our past." Said Pav.

"You can start, I'm still trying to put together everything that's ever happened to me." I said, maybe it's time he finally feels close enough to me to reveal his half lies to me. Only when he trusts me enough, I'll trust him fully.

(Author's note: I'm completely flubbing this here. I know Pav becomes spiderman because of this universes doctor strange and stuff, but this is a more western themed fic, and the Avengers exist as the Avengers, so I'm putting the story of the basic Spiderman biting story and adding some extra random stuff to it)

"Okay then. Where do we start? When i was about 2 i think, my parents, died. I was taken in by Maya aunty aur(and) Bhim uncle. Then i think 2 years ago now, crazy how everything is 2 years here... We had a field trip to alchemax, after which nothing was ever the same. A few weeks after alchemax, Uncle died, and I've just been surviving along with Aunty. I don't really have any family left, that was, until i met you, and i know you're gonna be my family, soon" he winked at me at the end.

"Okay damn. I'm still trying to process my story, but all i know is that my parents left me at the home of some strangers they knew when i was 4, and never came back. I stayed with those strangers until i was 9, after which, every year or so, i moved states. One of the guys taking care of me was mad rich, so that's why I was able to do it. From the period of 4-9, i learnt a lot about how to survive, i learnt to fight. It was until 7 months ago, with what happened in New York, i came here, to Manhattan, 1, to meet Spiderman, and 2, to start a new life. This was the only time that i was funded here by my friend Hillary, her dad is Norman Osborn, so he agreed to pay for my time here until i get enough money from my job." I replied.

"Woah- wait did you say Hillary? Hillary Osborn? Harry Osborn's older twin?" He asked.

Right. I forgot about him being Harry's best friend. Shit. "Yeah, you know them?"

"Harry's my best friend... Oh that motherfucker" he said.

"Wait shit did Pavitr Prabhakar just swear? Can you do that again so i can get it on tape? I'll get so many views out of this!" I chirped.

"Fuck off" he continued on.

"Shut your potty mouth or else i won't kiss you anymore" i laughed.

"Oh no thats too harsh sorry" he joined his hands and begged.

We both laughed at this.

"Anyways, did you bring the hoodie? For the hoodie swap?" I asked, we thought of the hoodie swap as a way to kind of break the cliche girl-takes-boy's-hoodie thing and made it girl-and-boy-swap-hoodies.

"Oh yeah it's in my bag" he replied pointing at it.

I went towards his bag and couldn't find it, so i dumped it on the bed.

"Uhh Pav-" i said as i looked at the spidersuit on my bed.

"Oh... Well i can't lie anymore. I'm Spiderman. Your first task for Manhattan is completed! Woohoo..." He said.

"I was gonna tell you, i just needed the right time for it..." He continued.

"Oh finally, I didn't know how long you were gonna keep your charade up for. I wanted to see how far you'd take it." I replied.

"You knew? How?" He asked.

"Well firstly, it was kinda weird how Spiderman made sure i was safe at his house on the first day we met, also the fact that your bike was still parked in front of your house and you blamed your coming back late on traffic, when you were technically on foot. Secondly, when Ava, Danny, Luke and Sam joined school and immediately went to talk to you, it was obvious. You forget hat Y/S/H/N was my best friend. Thirdly, you disappearing out of nowhere and being found in the Spiderverse just confirmed what i already found out from the team." I said as i pointed towards my watch.

"And fourthly, i work at SHIELD." I say, "didn't you ever find it weird how i somehow always had to leave whenever you did."

"What the fu-" his jaw absolutely dropped. "You know who Y/S/H/N is??"

"Let's just say Hobie didn't get me confused with Y/S/H/N that day at training." I replied.

"YOU'RE Y/S/H/N???" He continued, absolutely shocked.

"Surprise" i did his jazz hands thingy. "Also technically i was Y/S/H/N. Yk i haven't worn the suit since the injury. Also also, you're terrible at makeup i can see that scar on your face clearly. You have such a pretty face and you let it get ruined by Doctor Fuckface" i continued.

And I'm not going to be wearing the suit anytime soon.

"Now that the truth is out, I'd kinda appreciate it if you could take me to the Avengers tower someday to help take care of my power source. I'm gonna die this way..." I let out with a sigh.

"This is a lot to take in... Would you mind explaining your whole story, without any lies or hidden truths this time?" He asked.

"Maybe some other day, when i remember everything. It's kinda a bit more traumatic than losing just an uncle and your parents. Not that it's a competition or anything." I say rolling my eyes and giggling.

"Okay now give me your hoodie!!" He asked.

"Maybe later, right now you get to cuddle the real me" i smiled as i put my arm around him.

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