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75... 76... 78...

"Woah there are a lot of Spiderpeople here! Then whwhwyawjbwh hy me? What was that? Eiwkajahehskajabwbw are you sure this place is safe?" I said

"Oh we forgot to give you the watch. I don't know if we should give you a watch or a band? I mean you're gonna be here a while... A watch it is!" Said one of the Spiderpeople who worked under Miguel.

I wear the watch, "okay so i should be stable now? Seems so... Oh while we're here, is there any way we can fix my power source? Since most of you are super smart scientists and all... I'm fine with being dead for a month, as long as i can get it fixed, i think you guys are taking care of the others, or is that SHIELD?" I went on, kind of overwhelmed by everything.

"Your team... We haven't had any updates on them" said one of the scientists.

"Oh" i said as their helpless and blooded faces flashed my brain.

"Y/N? Hey Y/N wake up!" Said a voice

"Huh?" I groaned at the familiarity of the voice.

"Y/N! We were supposed to hang out...!" Said Pav.

"Right. that." I said sternly. Getting up from bed. "Wait how did you get inside my house?".

"You left the door open. I wanted to make sure you weren't kidnapped or anything." Said Pav.

"Yea right, are you sure i didn't leave a window open instead? Spiderman." I laughed.

"I may have the webs but i don't think they can carry my whole body weight. I also don't have the stickiness" he replied, trying to lie logically.

"Okay Spiderman, as you say..." I look at his eyes, oh his beautiful eyes. I want to stare at them forever.

"Anyways... I've been thinking about the English name thing you talked about on your first day here. I'm thinking... Peter Parker" he said in a tada way.

"Wow what a completely original name. Didn't Y/S/H/N tell you about how I've been to the Spiderverse? This is a very weak attempt at trying to convince me you're not Spiderman." Well nothing could convince me since i know that you're Spiderman.

"Huh. Wait is that how you knew Gwen?" He asked.

"Congrats genius. I've known her for more than an year now" i replied. "Wait what. You know Gwen from the Spiderverse? Are you actually Spiderman??? You know i was just joking about saying you're Spiderman and stuff..." I continued on with my lies.

"Oh no you've got it wrong, i met Gwen when she came here to defeat the spot." He lied.

I then wonder how if this was from his point of view how this story would go. Does he know who i am and what i know? Would he know when I'm lying? I can see through all his lies, but can he see through mine? Does he know the whole truth?

No i can't question too much, Miguel will find out, somehow. I can't become too self aware or I'd be sent back to the Spiderverse even though I'm not a Spiderperson.

"Oh i don't know who that is. Probably didn't make the news in New York" i lied again. Everything this guys knows about me is a lie.

Sometimes I wonder if he actually fell for me, or for my lies?

I've known Pavitr for 5 months, he's known me for none of those. Maybe a day when it's all added up. Even those days are filled with half truths.

I've gotten to know him as Spidey, i see through his lies, he only knows me as Y/N, and even this identity is filled with lies. Everything about me is a lie.

"Pav i need to tell you something" i say impulsively. It was at this moment i had to decide what to say, do i reveal myself, all my lies, or do I lie once again.

"Pav i like you. A lot. I've liked you ever since we met in front of the lockers. I liked you when you answer each question, when you posed for photos. I've always thought you're perfect, ever since i met you. Why do you think i asked to take your photo? There's something about your eyes, your dimples when you smile, your hair, your perfume, your words. I don't know what it is about you, but you are possibly the most charming person i know. And i don't know why people at school don't like you. Why they don't like us. There i go lying again, i do know why they don't like us it's obvious. But that's fine." I gave a speech.

"Oh thank God I'm not the only one. I thought it was weird to fall in love with someone without even knowing them for a full day. It's just everything about you, how sarcastic you are, how you're not really afraid of anything, how artistic you are. It all fascinates me. You can't believe how long I've waited for prom just so i can ask you out without it seeming weird." He joined in.

"May i?" He asked, pulling himself closer to me. I nodded in approval as he brought his lips towards mine. Putting his hands inside my hair, possibly untangling it, but it felt nice. I put one hand on his neck and the other behind his face. We pulled away after a while.

"That was... Nice" i smiled.

"I untangle your hair and I'm just nice? That's not nice" he replied sarcastically.

"Okay Loverboy" i replied, matching his tone. "It's 10, don't you need to go back home?" I asked.

"Oh i told Maya aunty I've gone to a party and will spend the night at my friends house. Not the entire truth, but technically not a lie" he said.

Lie. His lie is so innocent, if his aunty found out about him spending the night here instead, it wouldn't shatter her, but if I tell him the truth, he would be broken. I have to wait until both of us aren't this vulnerable.

pavitr prabhakar x readerWhere stories live. Discover now