The Night

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It was a hot July night in Tokyo in 2010, i just moved in with my friend Charlotte so we can continue in College later on. We knew each other since we were in third grade. We have been through everything together, well maybe not everything yet.

Tokyo is a pretty and big city. We needed more than a week to get used to the people and life here. It was like we were just reborn in a whole new world, but we loved it.

We met with some friends, Hana and Jade, who are locals. They took us to a beautiful restaurant near the sea side on 22nd of July, it was my birthday. I loved the ocean and sea food, so it was a big surprise to me and i was the happiest person on the Earth at that moment.

"I am so lucky to have you girls" i said while hugging them with happy tears.

"We were planning to make this surprise for months now!" said Jade.

"We hope you like it, its the best restaurant here." said Cho with big smile of her face.

"Like it? I love it!" I scream happily.

"Come on guys, let take our table" said Hana.

We sat on our table and ordered nearly everything from the menu, as if we have never eaten before. We laughed and talked about life, cars, boys, college. I wasn't that interested in talking about those kind of things, because right now the only thing i could think of was the beach. It was my weakness, my favourite place that i finally was able to visit more often.

After we left the restaurant my friends decided to go to a club and have a few drinks. Cho knew that i was going to decline but still tried to persuade me to go. I wasn't interested in going, i just wanted to sit by the beach and watch as the little waves crashed into the rocks. They respected my decision and went without me, but i didn't mind.

I sat near a rock that was near a small lamp. I felt the breeze bumping into my face and the sounds of the waves were so relaxing. I played my favourite song on my headphones and just stared at the ocean. Then something caught my eye. Someone was sitting on the sand, facing the sea. I wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl, because i didn't have my glasses on. By the figure i could tell it was a boy, he had long hair with dreadlocks. I was surprised that i wasn't the only strange person who loves being by the sea at night, just watching the moon. I was staring at him for so long that he noticed me and turned to me as well. I felt embarrassed at one point, but something inside of me told me to keep staring. He looked down then at me again. I felt strange and thought if i should go to him but he overtook me. He started walking towards me and my heart began to beat fast for no reason. He was getting closer and closer to me.

"Hey" he said with a little smirk on his face "What are you doing here, its late and cold?" he asked with an attractive german accent which i noticed right away.

"I just came to make up my mind here, the seaside is my favourite place" i said with a low voice as i looked up to see his face.

He was fit and really tall. He was wearing a black shirt with a flared jeans, big silver chain around his neck and an eyebrow piercing. His big noticeable eyes were staring at me while i was in complete silence.

"Oh sorry, so rude of me, i am Bill Kaulitz! Nice to meet you!" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Lilly, Lilly Sareve" I said while smiling weirdly.

"So Lilly" Bill said "Want to chat while walking?" he offered.

It was strange because i just met him, but i was bored anyway, so i agreed. He seemed nice even though he looked different than the other people, but i didn't mind at all.

"So Bill, tell me something about yourself." I broke the silence.

"Well, i like the beach, dogs, quad-driving, and other things that i would prefer to keep for now" he said while looking at me, "I have a brother, twin brother, and two other friends of mine".

"That is cool, i always wished to have a sibling" i said, looking down at the sand. "I moved in Tokyo last week and the only people i know are my three friends."

"Well now you know me too" he said with a little laugh. "By the way, happy birthday" he said.

I stood there still of amazement. How did he knew about that.

"Thanks but how do you know?" I asked right away.

"I was in the same restaurant so i heard" he said "Don't worry, i am not a creepy stalker" We both laughed awkwardly.

We were nearly at the end of the seaside. The time flew so fast as we were talking and laughing. He was really warm and kind person, but he wasn't into sharing about his life. It's none of my business after all, we just met. I wasn't really into being in a relationship too, i just like to be on my own. Maybe we could be really good friends after all.

"Am i going to meet you ever again Lilly?" He asked.

"Sure, maybe one day soon" i wasn't exactly sure what to answer.

"Hopefully" he smiled, "I am here nearly every night, feel welcome to visit me"

"Thanks, haha" I said nervously, "See you around" i waved.

"See you Lilly" he said back

I walked to my car while trying to call Cho. No answer. I thought they might be already at home and fallen asleep. I drove off, still thinking about Bill. It was so weird in my head thinking about a guy i just met on the beach. I wasn't sure if i was ever going to see him again. Also thinking if i should tell my friends or not. Maybe only Cho, because she was always side to side with me. I got sleepy and as i got home, i saw Cho already sleeping and after 5 minutes so did i.


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