The Gang

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The next morning i woke up later than usual, it was 12 am. I went down to the kitchen and Cho was eating cereal, staring at her phone without even looking away. I was still kinda tired and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Suddenly the memory from last night came up to my mind.

"I really need to stop thinking about this guy. He is driving me crazy, oh god" i thought to myself. I didn't liked him, just admired his looks and behaviour.

Then all of the sudden, Cho came screaming and running to the bathroom. She had happy look on her face, that only meant one thing. She always reacted like that when she has fallen in love with someone.

"Calm down Cho, tell me who is it." I said trying to calm her down.

"You won't believe this!" she screamed with happiness in her voice, "Yesterday when we walked out of the club we met three guys. They were really good looking and i immediately felt like the one with black long hair with dreadlocks was the one!" she said.

"That fast?" i asked with confusion, "I mean are you sure they were good guys and not some creeps that just want to fuck girls" i said.

"No no, they were really nice! They talked with us for a while and then dropped us home." she said, "and he gave me his number!" she said while jumping around and screaming.

"Okay girl relax, i am so happy for you, but be careful" i told her while holding her hand, i was always happy for her as if it was me.

I was thinking of telling her about Bill and how we met and talked, but i decided to keep it for now. Something inside of me told me to stay quiet and not make drama. I knew that if i tell her, she will begin to ask me lots of questions and beg me to go with him. I just didn't wanted to ruin my mood at this moment, neither hers. I got dressed and stayed at home all day, while Cho was with Hana and Jade and those three boys as well.

Later on Hana called me, it was 7pm. I was watching my favourite TV show and eating some popcorn.

"Lilly" ,she said with excitement, "You need to come with us!" she said.

"What, why?" , i asked knowing damn well i had no motivation in going out, "Where are you going?"

"We are going to watch a race," she said, "Those boys that Cho told you about, they are quad-driving in a race in 30 minutes and they invited us!" she added.

"Wait quad-driving?" I asked, last night Bill , told me something about it but i wasn't so interested, "Where are you right now?"

"We are outside Jade's house, hurry up!" she said with a loud voice.

"Okay okay, i will come" , i mumbled knowing that if i decline again they would be mad, "Give me 10 minutes" i hanged up the phone.

I really hoped my friends didn't got involved into something stupid. They met one night ago and now they are going to a race. But at the end of the day its their choice, i just wanted them to be save. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair. I was so lazy that i wore a baggy t-shirt that i was wearing nearly every day and a baggy jeans. I got my keys and phone, put on my shoes and left the house. I had a bad feeling about this, something was off.

I got there after 10 minutes of walking and saw my friends there, standing near some people's cars. There were 3 guys talking with them and as i walked near them everyone turned to me.

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