No mercy p.1

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It was dark and the smell was strange, like a medicine. I was hearing voices outside the room, people shouting, crying, laughing. I didn't know where i was or why was i here. I opened my eyes but my vision was low. Then i heard Bill voice. He was arguing with someone outside and Tom was trying to calm him down.

"I swear if you don't tell me what had happened i will kill you all!" He shouted.

"Bill we don't know!" Cho replied.

"Bill calm down! When she wakes up we will ask her. Please sit down." Tom sounded worried.

I looked around me and i saw a mirror, a bedside table, a hospital stretcher, EKG machine, TV and more. It was dark in the room but the light coming from the outside was so bright i almost went blind. I was still able to hear the voices. They were getting louder and louder when all of the sudden a doctor came into my room. She closed the door behind her.

"I see you are awake now. Are you feeling okay, because you don't look so good" she said is a low, puzzled voice.

"Yes i am. What has happened? Why am i here?" i asked. I had no energy to even look at her.

"We assume that you were poisoned. Do you have any idea what might have happened" she said.

"Trust me i have no idea what had happened in the last 5 hours. The last thing i remember is when" i didn't know to finish, what could i say. I thought for a second, "Should i .." i said to myself. This was my only chance to get rid of him.

"My kidnapper left me alone for some time. That's all" i mumbled.

"Your what? Sweetie, do you need help?" She asked in a low, scared voice.

"Yes please! Call the police or do something, please" i begged.

"Do you know his name?" She asked me.

"Yes its Bill Kaulitz, please he has a gang and-" she paused me. I could see the fear in her green, brightening eyes. She got sweaty and opened the window. Then she came up to me and whispered in my ear.

"I am so sorry sweetie, i can not help you. I want to live a long life, but i wish you luck" she said with cold face. I was shocked.

"At least call the police, please i beg you" i was ready to beg on my knees.

"I don't think that would work. I can give you the phone to call but trust me they are useless. Also if Kaul-, he..somehow find out that it was me, that's it." The voices from outside of the room weren't able to be heard anymore. She turned to me and smiled but not in a happy way.

"I am so sorry sweet girl, but the only thing i can help with is to get you out of this hospital, but not from hell." She said with sad, monotonic voice.

My heart dropped. I was so disappointed and scared. The doctor left the room and seconds later them all came into the room. Cho was crying, Bill angry, Tom and Jade anxious... ; and i was so confused. The others were outside.

"Oh lord, Lilly! Thanks God you are okay!" Cho came to me with tears in her eyes, she hugged me tight. I smiled at her but she looked even more worried.

"You look so pale and you okay?" She asked.

"Yes yes, don't worry. How did i end up here?" i asked her,my memories were so light that couldn't remember a thing.

"That is actually why we are here." Tom interrupted us, "What happened? We were gone for no more than 20 minutes" he said with annoyed voice.

"I have no damn idea. I only remember that i was reading a book and then i woke up here." I said, looking at Bill for some seconds. He was looking down and didn't say anything. I saw Jade whispering something to Tom, he looked at Cho and they made eye contact.

"Okay Lilly, see you later. Love you" i smiled at her. Tom reached Bill and nodded at him. He was the only one to stay.

He was standing at the corner of the room. When he turned his head to me our eyes met, his beautiful dark eyes with a black eyeshadow were staring straight at me. Bill was wearing a black shirt, a beanie hat and jeans. He came to me slowly and sat next to me on the bed. I could see the anger in his eyes, at first i thought he was going to be mad at me. He looked at me and smiled.

"I am so glad you are okay", his smile fainted fast, "I swear to God i will kill the fuck of the person who did this, who was it and don't lie to me" he said to me.

"Bill i can't remember. Also i don't think killing is the way to-" he stopped me.

"I don't care what the way is. I will find out and i swear if you lie to me now.." he sighed. He was trying to control his anger and i was scared that he would totally loose it.

"I don't, please relax. It's fine. I am so hungry, can we get something to eat? " I tried to change the subject.

"Yes, of course. Haven't you eaten?" he stood up and helped me to get out of bed. His hands were warm, i

"No i haven't since..i don't know, yesterday?" I replied.

"Wait haven't Karla made you some .." he went silent. He put my hand down and made a call.

"It was this fucking bitch" What? Who?


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