The Rule

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  They were driving us to our apartment. Me and Charlotte were with Tom and Bill. Tom and Cho were talking all the time, me and Bill were dead silent. I was in the passenger seat and Bill was driving, i almost fell asleep but the laughs from the back seat were keeping me awake. He was driving slowly, it was 2:37 am. I was so tired i even regretted coming. It wasn't my thing, plus those guys were strange. Haven't seen them before but Cho clearly has. I was going to ask her when we get back home but i knew she was mad at me for not telling her about Bill. But how can i, i didn't even liked him or something, it wasn't important at all. Sometimes she was really driving me nuts. Now i had to explain everything and at this point i didn't even want to arrive home.

"Are you okay", Bill asked, "You seem too quiet, darling" Boy was i sick of that name.

"I am fine, just tired and don't call be darling" i mumbled.

We arrived 5 minutes later. Cho didn't want to go, while i was cheering that we were finally home.

"Why did it need to end, i wanted to stay longer" Cho said with sad voice.

"Don't worry babe, we are going to meet up tomorrow!" Tom said with a smirk.

* "What the fuck!" I though, "Since when these two were together and are they really meeting up tomorrow?" *

"Miss you already" She said. Then they kissed.

I just stood there. Watching them made me cringe so bad. Bill was next to me saying nothing. I was so done with this night that i wanted to go straight to bed and not giving a shit.

"Well, goodbye Lilly" , Bill said looking at me, "Hope to see you very soon" He said with a little smirk.

Oh my days, please not. I hoped there was no "very soon", more like "never again".

"Yeah, bye" i said while yawning.

Me and Cho went inside our apartment and didn't say anything. She was mad, so mad. But my eyes were closing so just left it for tomorrow. She was making big deal of this. It wasn't like i wanted to do something with him, i didn't want to go out that night, i did that for my friends. And now what, i needed to go out every night, hell no. She wasn't even grateful that i came. I went into my bed, put my phone on the charger and saw Charlotte's mad face.

"Why are you being like that, i thought we were best friends!" She said angrily.

"We are and always will. I thought on not telling anyone because there isn't even a point. I don't like him Cho, nothing will happened between us, its not important!" I said nervously, this shit was already getting on my nerves.

"At least you can try, he seems like a good guy", she added.

"Yes good guy who is in a gang and maybe is killing people right now" i said.

"Don't look it that way, you always do that i don't know what your problem is" she almost yelled.

"Let's talk tomorrow okay, i need to make up my mind right now." I even felt like begging at this point, i needed to rest.

She didn't say anything, just went silent.

* Bill's POV *

"So what ,you told her you two are together or ?" I asked with confusion.

"What no, but i think she got it like that" Tom replied, "She is just like the others, but i will keep her for now" he said. "You?"

"What" i knew that he knew that i wanted her. He always does. For some reason i felt different this time.

"You know damn well what, you act different, much different" Tom said smiling but not in the good way. "You know you can't do that, you can't fall in love with a minion" he said and he was right.

"I am not in love with her, just trying to get her attention" i replied, "Searching for a new minion, you know."

Lilly was different. She wasn't like the others - the second they see you, they run towards you and scream your name. No she wasn't like that at all. She was quite, had dark blonde hair and was short. She had hazel eyes and strong character. I haven't seen such beautiful eyes in a while, or maybe i haven't at all. She was herself not trying to act different which i liked. But her attitude was shitty - she would talk back and not listen to what i say. That is what i liked in her, she stands for herself and her friends, trying to protect them. I wasn't in love, never. But i could see us together for a while.

"Okay, if you say so" , Tom said, "But be careful, you know what might happen" i hated when he said that. But i had to deal with it, it was THE rule - if a member from the gang falls in love, the minion gets killed. That is why i have never fallen in love even if i wanted to, which never happened.

"Now come on, you will see her again stop thinking about her so much" ugh sometimes i hated having a twin brother, it was like i can't even think on my own , "Gustav and Georg are waiting for us for an hour already " he said with kinda angry voice.

Usually i am the leader of the gang, even though Tom was older with 10 minutes. In some moments i felt like he is the leader not me. I knew he wanted that and i didn't have a problem but no one would think of us the same way. Nobody was over us, people were scared of even looking at us. The feeling of freedom was amazing. Every girl wanted to get her in bed and would give anything to be your minion. Sometimes it was even annoying. The best part was that you can kill regardless of the cops, because even they were scared.

"Want to race?" Tom offered, knowing that i can not decline to that kind of offer.

"Is that even a question brother", we hopped into our cars and went straight to the least crowded way. The cold wind was blowing my hair and of course i won over Tom. He might be better at killing but races were my thing. Or i only just thought of that. Killing for us was like a full-time job. Getting rid of all those stupid dogs that wanted to get us down. The only thing i could wish them was luck. Nobody could beat us. No one.


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