You care?

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I was in complete silence. I couldn't move.
Two guns were pointed at me. I had already accepted my faith, i was sure something like that would happen soon or later. Only i thought that Bill would let me die, strange. Now the four of them were pointing their guns at the psychos who threaten to kill me if, i don't even know what.

*Bill's POV*

Fuck. Thanks god we were ready. Those idiots had no idea what they just did. Humiliated us, especially me in front of everyone who was still in the park. I could see Lilly's cold face, she didn't care that much. She was strong and didn't show emotion. Impressive i would say, not showing any emotion when 2 guns where pointed right at her head.

Vito has already went insane. I don't think the
time in jail had good influence on him. He was wearing torn shirt and dirty ripped jeans, not his usual style. Probably haven't shower in a week, thinking how to get us down, complete dumbass. I didn't think that he would kill her, there was no point in doing that. He clearly knew that her life would cost their lives which wasn't his point. He wanted something, probably money or fame. His gang wasn't big but for sure he paid some gangsters to be on his side since i had no idea who the other two men were.

"Let's make a deal - give us 10k dollars and the girl is free" he said.

"So that is why you are here. You want money, interesting. I thought you were rich and wealthy. Or that is what you say" i said.

"Oh stop the playing. You know damn well that this was all your fault. Now shut up and give us the money"

We all went silent. My eye caught Lilly's hand moving. She was making a sign. I looked at her and she moved her eyes to me. In her other hand she was holding something but i wasn't able to see what. I looked at her again and she mouthed me something. I turned to Tom and then to Gustav and Georg. It was time to play with the fire. For a second we heard a noise of a pocket knife. Then one the men who was pointing his gun at her started screaming. Everyone's attention was on him, meanwhile Lilly crouched down and kicked the other's man leg. He fell on the ground then seconds later we shot them multiple times. The situation was anxious, but then Lilly started laughing out of no where. This girl was insane, but i loved it.

"I can't believe what just happened" She said while laughing. The three men were lying in front of her already dead.

"That was really awesome of you, congratulations" Gustav said.

"To be honest i am impressed" Tom said, Georg nodded in agreement. I didn't say anything, just smiled at her.

"Come on let's go home." I said. I wanted to tell her so many things, but not right now.

*Lilly's POV*

I have never felt more stressed in my entire life. The fact that i was on the edge, for 5 minutes that felt like ages, made me rethink my damn life. While i was being caught by the two men i was thinking of what can i do to prevent myself from dying. Then i remember the pocket knife i had with myself just incase Bill or some of the other guys tried to hurt me, but here we are, they were the ones trying to save my ass. I made a sign to Bill, which clearly he didn't understood so i made it to Tom and seconds later my hands were covered with blood, the three men lying dead and i was free. The adrenaline got me so hard that i started laughing like crazy. Everyone was amazed, even tho i was traumatised of my own actions, except Bill - he didn't say anything.

We got in the car and Gustav played music. I was so exited to tell the others what had happened and hopefully they would finally understand how dangerous it was to be around other criminals. Even though they helped me, it was their fault that i was caught in the first place. Bill didn't say a word the entire ride, i hoped that he felt even a little guilty about the situation. But knowing how egoistic he was, probably not even a little. We arrived and the girls came running to see if i was okay.

"Oh my god Lilly, are you okay? What happened?" Cho asked anxiously.

"I am fine don't worry. How are you guys?" I replied.

"Girl who cares about us, you nearly got fucking shot in the head!" Hana said

"Do you want water or something else?" Jade asked.

"No no i am okay, thank you girls! But i really think that-", Bill came to us and interrupted me.

"Girls, can we have a moment please?" Bill looked at me and then at them.

"Oh yes, of course" Cho said, they went into the house, Bill and me were alone outside. I was cold so he gave me his blazer and hug me.

"Lilly, i don't even know what to say to you right now. I know you probably think that i am the worst thing that have ever happened to you, but i really want you to trust me. The incident this night was something that i didn't expect. I promise you that from now on, everyone who even dare to touch you, will die." Bill said seriously.

I was frozen. I didn't know what to say. He sounded so nice and angry at the same time. Never seen him in such way, the warm feeling that i felt was indescribable. It felt like i was in a movie, book, whatever but not in real life. The monster, who was know for killing, stealing, scarring people to dead, just showed his other side.

"I know seeing me as different person is difficult since i am known not for good. But you, you make feel fucking guilty for everything. You have something that makes me want to stop everything. You are the first person who made me feel bad for what i have done and even more - seeing you almost being shot made me die inside. I don't know what you do to me Lilly and i hate how you influence on me, but i fucking love it at the same time." His eyes were looking straight at me, keeping eye contact. I was in complete shock, this wasn't Bill Kaulitz, that was somebody else. The way he was holding me made me feel safe. I wanted to say something but he stopped me.

"Also i am so proud of you for being so strong that night. I have never been more impressed by a girl in my entire life and trust me i have seen so much things." he said, then stopped and sighed. I finally had the chance to talk.

"Bill i-" he pulled me and then we kissed.


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