The forth stage of grief Part 1

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*Bill's POV*
Today was only about taking my revenge. I wouldn't repeat the mistake that i did the last time. The guy that i saw on the newspaper was not only my opposer in the races but enemy in life. I told Tom that i wouldn't do anything to him, but if he even dared to talk to Lilly that was it. Of course i wasn't going to talk to him about it. I would sound jealous or protective which wasn't the case, just wanted to clear up some things. She is my minion after all, only mine.

It was early in the morning, everyone was sleeping. I got a shower and drank a cup of coffee. I did my make up and prepared myself for the race. It was the first time in years that i was anxious about a race. I calmed myself down and turned on the TV. I heard footsteps coming from behind me. It was Tom, why did i doubt it.

"Good morning brother" i sighed.

"Morning" he stretched, "How are you feeling?"

"Ready to beat some asses. What about you?" i said.

"Ready to see you doing it" he laughed, "But no really. What's up?"

I frowned, "The coward who won over us the last time kissed Lilly the other day." I said rudely.

"What? How do you know?" He gasped.

I was silent for some seconds, "Charlotte somehow knows and told me. Then Lilly admitted it to me herself." I started bitting my nails the second i started thinking about it.

"Okay, at least she told you. Bill, did you do anything to her?" He came closet to me, leaning toward the couch to sit on it.

I looked away and sighed, "I mean, i stopped myself and left her only with injured wrist. But why would i care, she is just a minion." I got a bad feeling in me, the one you get when the truth is eating you inside making you feel guilty in some way.

"Minion. Yes, i know. I was just curious because i heard loud voices that morning." He crossed his arms.

"How do you even remember that, it happened three days ago?" I said, putting my hands over my face.

"Bill, i literally heard you shouting like crazy. I wanted to talk with you about it but i never found the right moment." Tom said looking at me strangely.

"Nothing much happened. Let's not talk about it now" i stood up and turned the TV off. It was time to go, everyone was up anyway.

*Lilly's POV*

The time was flying faster and faster. I was anxious about seeing him again. I didn't want to get into any trouble and especially getting him killed. It was my fault for going out at night, he just wanted to help.

The radio in the car was on. "It's my life" was playing in low volume. I heard Bill humming it to himself. I was surprised that he knew that song. My father and i loved to go to Bon Jovi's concerts when i was little.

"You know that song" i asked looking at the front mirror.

He nodded, "I love it"

I smiled and looked outside of the window, we were almost there.

We were the last ones to arrive there. Tom, Gustav and Georg were already surrounded by girls and paparazzi. There were people everywhere. Charlotte, Hana and Jade were staying in the cars, for kinda obvious reasons.

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