Where you go, i go

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*Bill's POV*

Of course i didn't expect her to talk to me after the other night. She also didn't look at me. Everyone seemed to have noticed Lilly's behaviour, which of course was different from her always fighting with me and shouting at me, she was acting as told. But no one really said anything. It got to the point where she would just not talk to anybody.
Well, today was her lucky day.

*they speak in german*

"Tom!" i shouted, "Tom!" i shouted again.

"What is so important that you have to yell like that at seven in the morning?" He walked in the room looking annoyed and confused..

"Maybe if you wake your damn ass up, you would be able to hear me." i snapped at him.

"Woah, why so bitter?" He rubbed his eyes and closed the door behind him.

"Uh, sorry i am just..never mind." I looked away and then clapped, "So, i am going away for a week." i said while packing some of my clothes.

"What? Where?" Tom raised his eyebrow and put one hand on his waist.

"To David's, we need to find a way to get to Vito. He is getting on my nerves with his stupid games already." i turned to him.

"And why i don't know about this?" He got closer to me, now putting two hands on his waist.

"Because, this is a secret you idiot. No one should know except you and me!." i snapped at him.

"So you want me to keep where you are as a secret from the others for a week? Are you kidding me, how am i supposed to do that?" He reacted sharply, almost yelling at me.

"You can figure it out, you are a smart guy." i said. Tom did not like that answer. I sighed, "Okay tell Gustav and Georg. Only them." i said.

"What about Lilly? What should i tell her?" He looked confused.

"I don't think she will care anyway. Just keep an eye on her, okay?" I looked back at him and he nodded.

"Great then, i am off. See you Tom." i said, caring my bag with me.

"Bye" he said, "And Bill." i turned around, "Come back alive and with an actual plan, please." He laughed.

"Have my word for that." I laughed with him and nodded, then i closed the door behind me.

The last time i was gone for so long was before i met Lilly. I went to Los Angeles to get some work done. We had certain problems with our identities, fake identities. I had to make sure the photos, names and addresses were correct, exactly as we made them. That took me more than two weeks. It was exhausting me to the point where i almost fucked up everything. I would have never thought that dealing with such stuff would cause me so much stress.

I got into my car and put my bag on the seat next to me. I wasn't worried, not even a little bit. I have known Vito since i was in my mother's stomach and this man would not give up on whatever he had started. He is a smart guy, but i am smarter. Vito wouldn't even dare to attack without a team of soldiers or other psychopaths like him, and me personally i would have done the same. The dumbest thing someone can do is attack another mafia that is on a higher level than you, with or without a team that you can trust. And Vito has no one to trust nor someone can trust him. On the other hand, me and David both have great soldiers behind our backs, and we both have each other backs. Our bond is like give-and-take and i appreciate it.

*Lilly's POV*

I guess God decided to bless me today. He was gone for around two weeks - unbelievable. The second i heard the news, that i actually overheard, a smile appeared on my face. Tom, Gustav and Georg were so loud, i was pretty sure even the neighbours were able to hear that Bill is away. It was established - those two weeks might be the best thing that has ever happened to me in the last months.

The next moment i saw Tom in front of me. Best believe he wouldn't lock me up for overhearing, right..

He was staring at me with quite angry face, "I was going to tell you anyway." he said.

"Where did he go?" i ask.

"That's none of your business." he said in a normal voice.
"It's late, go to sleep and prepare for tomorrow." he said.

I raised a brow "What is happening tomorrow?"

"What is happening tomorrow, my dear, usually shouldn't have affected me in any way but since other people have already made an attempt to attack us though you, i thought why not teach you something useful. Something that might safe your life soon or later." he said, "I will teach you self defence, more specifically how to fight and use a gun. Easy job, that you will appreciate one day."

"Tom, i have no intentions in killing people, that's against my wishes and beliefs." i say, stepping back.

"You may not have intentions forward to doing it, but i assure you that nearly everyone else out there has. Be wiser Lilly! This is not your old, pathetic and easy lifestyle, this is the dark side of life. In the dark side the color red is the most common on them all, most wanted and most likely to become your daily view. So get used to it before it's too late, before the dark side swallows you whole." he says as he comes closer to me, "Do not allow your feelings and emotions make you think that all of this is a joke, because it's not and when you finally understand it, it will hurt. It will hurt like a bitch, remember my word. So take the opportunity from my offer and do not let the unknown fool you, it's not as unknown as you think."

His eyes were full with seriousness, his face emotionless. I nod.

"You know, i don't know how my brother still keeps up with you." Tom said while looking me into my eyes.

"What do i have to do?"

"I will clarify everything to you tomorrow, as for now - get a good sleep"

"Tom let me go, i beg you." I started crying out of fear.

I nod. Walking up those stairs alone made me come back to reality. Bill won't be here to protect me all the time and i had to protect myself. No matter how much I didn't want to accept it, i just learned a terrible truth - i think i won't be able to escape, not yet. But i wouldn't turn to the dark side, no, never! Only the thought of killing people makes me suffer.

"But Tom she doesn't deserve what she gets!" Charlotte cried out.

Oh i definitely don't.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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