You have fallen into a trap

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Honestly i had the best sleep of my life. I felt like a new person. It was warm, calm and peaceful morning. No shouting, no slamming doors, no crying. Was this even real; or i was just still dreaming. The light coming from the big window gave me nostalgia from my first night here - it was a literal nightmare. So much has changed since then. My feelings, my mind set, everything. Feeling Bill next to me was something that months ago i would rather get killed than experiencing. Now i feel more than safe with him. That didn't mean anything though. He was still the same person as before - manipulating and controlling murder, so had so much power that no one could overtake. It absolutely disgusted me that i was feeling okay with him being close or intimate with me. His hugs, his body, his voice were turning me on. I felt that teenage sensation of the need to be pleased. I was like a teenager girl - stupid, so stupid. I was stupid for thinking this was okay, that all this was all real. For a second i remembered all the memories, every time he yelled at me, hit me, hurt me. All of that began to fill my head. Only the thoughts of those things made me shiver and got the need to cry. But i couldn't, i couldn't show any weakness to that monster, never. His recent actions were just provision. He was going to become the monster that i met months ago, very soon. All that happiness and joy would be gone.

As i was lost in my thoughts, i heard Charlotte's annoying voice being loud followed by a slap. I was still being sleepy but by the sounds that were coming i could hear her cry, then Tom started yelling too. I turned to Bill to ask him if he knew what was going on but for God's Sake he was gone. My curiosity grow. I stood up and put my ear against the door.

"But Tom she doesn't deserve what she gets!" Charlotte cried out.

"You aren't the one to say what she does or doesn't deserve! You are just a minion who really gets on my nerves lately!" Tom shouted.

"But Tom-"

"Did you talk back to me minion?" he yelled, "Did you?" he yelled again.

"I am sorry, Tom.." she continued crying.

"Yes, you better be. I swear i am tired of you. You are just like the others." Tom said angrily.

"She is also like us! She is no good!" Charlotte yelled.

I heard a loud slap again and crying sounds. I was frozen, fearing her life. My brain was telling me to leave her there, she had to get what she deserved for doing all this to me. Risking my life over some stupid rides and this jerk's dick. On the other hand my heart was telling me to help her, she is, well was, my best friend after all. I couldn't help but open the door and beg Tom to stop "Tom please don't do it."

"Lilly don't you get into this. Do as i say." He gave me a glance and then looked back at Cho.

"Tom i beg you, don't. Let me talk to her, please." I looked at Tom with emotionless face. He knew i hated her now, he also knew that Bill wouldn't like it if he yells or does something to me.

"Okay, but only this time. Make her understand that i command here." He said in aggressive tone.

"I will." He nodded.

Tom went downstairs and then went into the back room. I looked at Charlotte, she was so emotionless and unable. She knew that i was right, deep down she knew that she was the reason why this was all happening.

The Monster In Black - Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now