적은 집

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Tiny Home

Yoongi drives towards his tiny house with Jungkook and Taehyung in the back seat.

Yoongi sighs before saying, "We are here. Welcome to your guy's new home."

Taehyung looks out the window. "Wahhh! Tae love it!!" he says.

"Ok now." says Yoongi, as he gets off the car and opens the back seat door. When he opens it he finds Jungkook resting his tiny head on Taehyung's lap. He cooed at how cute the sight was.

"Shhh, Kookie sleep." says Taehyung, putting his tiny finger over his own cute, pink lips.

"Let me carry Kookie." says Yoongi, as he carefully picks him up. Then he helps Taehyung take off his seat belt and helps him off. He holds his hand even though he has to reach his arm down because Taehyung is tiny.

He walks to the front door and stops holding his hand. He puts his hand in his pocket and gets a hold of his keys. He them opens the door quietly, trying his best not to make a sound.

"Tae, don't make a noise. Got me?" Yoongi whispers, looking down at him.

Taehyung simply nods looking up at his appa.

He tip toes in the house. Holding Taehyung in one arm and in the other he has wrapped a sleeping Jungkook.

He passes by his tiny living room with a man snoring loudly. Yoongi just prayed he wouldn't wake up.

He safely gets to his room and locks his door. He puts the two babies down on his bed.

Yoongi sighs. "You guys can't make a noise. If not the big hairy monster will wake up." says Yoongi, nodding.

"Hairy monster?" says Taehyung, confused.

"Yes, he likes eating little kids. So you better not make much noise at night because he will get really REALLY mad. Got it?" says Yoongi, looking at him.

"Tae sometime get nightmare. . . But it okay 'cause Tae cwy low." says Taehyung, showing his boxy smile.

"Aww. Why you cry at night, hmm?" asks Yoongi, getting worried.

"Creppy monsters." says Taehyung, shaking a bit.

"What kind of monsters, baby?" says Yoongi, really worried.

"Eomma and a-appa." says Taehyung, his voice a little shaky.

Yoongi's eyes widen. Why would their parents do this to such cute kids? But the again, the same thing is happening to him. "Oh. . . Does Kookie also cry?" asks Yoongi, rubbing Taehyung's back to calm him.

Taehyung shakes his head. "Kookie is heavy sleep." he says, looking at his little brother.

"Damn like me." says Yoongi. :]

"You look cute doin' that face, appa." says Taehyung, caressing Yoongi's cheek.

"You think it is cute?" asks Yoongi, chuckling a bit.

"It cute on my cute appa!" says Taehyung, smiling.

"Alright alright. Let's go to sleep should we?" says Yoongi, laying down on his bed next to Jungkook.

"Let's go mee mees!" says Taehyung, sleeping next to Jungkook.

"Mee mees?" asks Yoongi, chuckling.

"Ya that means sleep!" says Taehyung, pulling the blanket over him.

Yoongi picks up the sleeping Jungkook and puts him over his chest then pulls Taehyung next to him.

It was cold in the house and his blanket wasn't the most comfiest nor was it warm. And since these two are kids or babies. They need warmth.

Yoongi took off his shirt. So Taehyung can have warmth and Jungkook too. He took off his shirt since his body is warm. Then pulled the covers all the way to his head so it can be even warmer.

Jungkook moves up and down everytime Yoongi breathes.

Yoongi smiles. Such cute kids. He loves them and never wants to let them go. Just like he never ever wants to let go of Jimin too.

He slowly falls asleep. Smiling softly.

Our Tiny(?) Family {Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now