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2 weeks later

Jimin ends up staying at his house with his boyfriend and kids. He hasn't gone out but Yoongi has and some of their kids. Sometimes when Yoongi goes to get some food he asks his kids if they want to go with him. Those who agree go and those who don't stay with their daddy.

Right now, everyone is sleeping. They bought an identical bed to the one Yoongi has and put them together. The bed is now bigger and all 7 can fit when sleeping together!

6 are in the bed while Hoseok is in the living room. He is sitting down on the floor and playing with a toy car. "Vroom vroom. Ahhh." he says, as he rolls the car to the wall which causes it to crash, "Uh oh."

He was sleeping earlier but got bored, he couldn't sleep longer. He stands up and waddles to the couch where the window is located. He stands on the couch and peeks outside. He wants to go out but he knows that his appa and daddy will get mad at him. . Look a squirrel!

"She looks nice. She my pet!" he says, as he gets off the couch and carefully opens the door to go outside, "I be right back."

He follows the squirrel far from his home. At some point he can't find the squirrel and turns around to go back home but he doesn't know the way back. He goes to someone and holds their pants. The woman looks down at him and smiles.

"Hey, little kid. What is a little cute creature like you doing out here?" she asks.

"Lost. Found squirrel and follow! Don't know my way back home. ." says Hoseok, looking down.

"Ok. I am going to take you to the police station, so they can ask you some questions. Then you can find your mommy and daddy." she says, as she scoops Hoseok up who immediately starts to shake. "Don't be scared, little one, you will find your parents faster."

"No mommy. . Only daddy and appa. ." says Hoseok, looking down at the ground as the woman starts to walk towards the police station.

". . Oh uhmm. ." says the woman, looking at him weirdly.

"I love them so much!" exclaims Hoseok.

". . Ok. . Alright, let's go now. ." says the woman, not smiling anymore.

"Are you k, nuna?" he asks, as he sees her smile fade away.

"Ya. . It is just that you have 2 dads." she says, not looking at him.

"So?" he asks.

"That is weird and disgusting."

Hoseok is only 6 but he understands those 2 words really well. He wiggles out of her grip and she puts him on the floor to prevent him from falling.

He sticks out his tongue and says, "What? What so disgus'? My two dad? They are beautiful! Don't help me!" he says, as he walks away with his eyebrows furrowed and pouty lips. He feels like crying. Which he ends up doing in less than 30 seconds.

He walks around some more with teary eyes and once he sees someone who seems nice and kind he holds their pants and grabs the person's attention.

"Hey, lil' man." says a girl. She looks like a high schooler.

"Hello, nuna. " he says, sniffling.

"Why are you crying?" asks the girl, as she squats down to be eye level with him.

"Because someone say that my two dad is weird and disgus'." he cries.

"No, I bet both your dads are handsome men." she says, with a smile, "Where are they at?"

"I left because I found squirrel! But then lost! So I wanna go back but don't know my way back!" he cries, as he hugs her.

"Alright, lil' man, come on. I am going to take you to the police station so they can find your way back home, alright?" she says, smiling.

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