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Just A Talk



“I won’t work tomorrow.”

“Hm, why is that?”

“One of my sons is getting bullied at school, and Imma have to go talk to that stupid principal.”

“Oh damn. Is the principal not tryna do anything about it?”

“Why the hell do you think I am going to have a little talk, hm?”

“Damn, I would never wanna mess with you. Not even dream, little man.”

“Come on, only 1 year older than me.”

“Well, you don’t gotta wait till tomorrow. Go get ‘em, tiger!”

“But I have to work.”

“I will take over. You go.”

He sighs. “Chan, thanks a lot, man.”

“Nha of course. Now go get ‘em!”

Yoongi changes into his normal clothes, not the suit as the bartender and goes to the elementary school. The kids are in the same school but in their classes. He goes to the office and speaks to a very kind lady.

“Hello, Mrs.” says Yoongi, trying to sound nice.

“Hello, Sir. You are?” she asks, looking up at him from her computer and finding him really cute.

“I am here to talk to the principal.” says Yoongi.

“About your kids?” asks the lady, secretly admiring his face.

“Yes. There is an issue.”

“Your kids are..?” asks the lady, going back to her computer.

“Min Seokjin, Min Hoseok, Min Namjoon, and Min Taehyung.” says Yoongi, he did not list Jungkook since he does not go to this school, but a separate school, preschool.

“Hmm. Min Yoongi?”

“Yes, that is me.”

“I will ask him.” says the woman, standing up and going to the principal’s office.

Yoongi waits in the waiting room. His eyes scan around the office and his eyes go to the principal’s door as it is being opened and the woman nods so he stands up and enters as she goes back to sitting down in front of the computer.

He goes in and shuts the door behind him and sits down in front of him. With a raised eyebrow, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek.

“I knew you would come back, sir. How is your day-”

“Listen here, old man.” Yoongi coldly snaps, sending him cold glares. “That boy is my son. And I would do anything to not see him cry. Even if it means becoming Ted Bundy.”

“Sir, you don’t speak like that.”

“Oh, but I do.”

“You surely won’t turn into Ted Bundy just for that boy, right?” says the principal.

“Oh, I could be worse.”

“I will have to call the cops on you if you keep talking like you have a deadly mental illness.” he says.

“Mental illness?” he laughs. “Deadly mental illness!”

“Sir, calm down, and let's talk like the adults we are.” he calmly says.

“I am not an adult. And you aren’t either. You are an elder! Super elder!"

“How old are you?” the principal angrily asks.

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