A Sign

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Newt's POV:

Minho convinced me to eat a couple apples, then I just kind of stood around while the group discussed what they thought happened to Teresa. I didn't know who, but I heard some one make suggestion that I couldn't take

"Maybe she died. . ."

My legs just kind of gave up, and I sat down on the floor. People rushed around me, I saw Minho, and I think I saw Clint. The world was swirling around me. I couldn't hear anything except this weird rushing noise that seemed to fill my head. I felt hands on me, I heard Clint say something about breathing.

What had he said?

The rushing just stopped all at once. I saw everyone looking at me, but their faces were blending together. It almost felt deafening to hear silence. Then Minho's voice reached out to me.

"Newt, Newt sweetie, are you okay?"

I managed to get out a few words

"Yeah, I'm okay. . ."

Then I passed out.

When I woke up, everything was black, and I was seriously questioning if I was actually awake. Then I felt hands on me, and head hushed voices. People were carrying me. I struggled in the arms, and heard Thomas.

"Newt, stop squirming, or me and Minho will drop you. . ."

"Well, put me down, I can walk!"

I felt my legs drop down, and I stood, and almost immediately crashed into the person who had been carrying the upper part of my body. Hadn't Thomas said it was Minho? I felt hands on me, steadying me, then I heard the voice and I knew it was Minho. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"So, you can walk?"

I nodded.

"Yeah I can, I was just caught off balance. Let go of me!"

"If you insist!"

Minho's hands dropped off me, and I took a few steps, before keeling sideways, hitting my body on a hard wall. Minho put an arm around my shoulder

"You know, maybe I should help you walk, as much as it's funny to watch you attempt to walk, I don't want you to die."

I rolled my eyes, and realized I was fully awake, and the place we were in was still dark.

"Minho, where are we?"

"Well, we aren't exactly sure. The man told us that we had three weeks to cross the scorch, and we went into this portal, he called it a flat-trans I think. Anyway, we have to get through the cave into the scorch."

I could understand that much. . . sort of.

"How long was I out? What even happened to me?"

Minho was silent for a second

"Almost three hours. Clint said that you had some sort of panic attack. Are you sure you're alright?"

I was about to answer, when a call came from up ahead. More of a blind scream. More screams followed, these I could make out.

"What is that?"

"Watch out!"

"What the shuck?"

I was debating whether to run ahead, and help, or run away. After a few minutes, we had reached the place where the screaming was. There was a glader, dead.

His head was. . . covered in a metal ball. . .

That's when everyone started running. Hard as shuck We had been running for what felt like forever, and about three or four gladers had been attacked, before we reached an exit. Thomas went out first, and came barrelling back in almost immediately

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