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Newt's POV:

Minho couldn't see my face, since it was buried in his shoulder.

If he could, he would see the frown.

He would see my eyes well up with tears.

He would see the heartbreak in my eyes.

I wanted to have a happily ever after with Minho more than anything

but. . .

I don't know if I could.

I kept thinking of Chuck, of Teresa, of all the other gladers that died, of Alby.

Maybe I could hold on. . .


Minho's POV:

Newt and I stayed there for a while. Looking out at the ocean. We probably would've stayed there if Frypan hadn't called us, apparently he had opened up the crates that were left for us.

"Minho! Newt! Do you want food or not?"

It was about noon, so it was lunch time. Newt called back to Frypan

"Yeah, yeah, just a second!"

Speaking of, how long has it been since we actually ate?

A few days?

Something like that.

Me and Newt walked over to the group, and Brenda handed us two heaping plates of something that looked like mashed potatoes. I turned to Frypan

"Well, Fry, I can say that you cook as. . .amazing as always."

Frypan either didn't pick up on my sarcasm, or ignored it. He bowed

"Thank you, thank you, really."

Me and Newt glanced at each other, and Newt put a hand over his mouth to try to hide his obvious laughter. Newt sat down on the rocky, sandy ground, then pulled me down to. As I started eating, I glanced around. The clearing was basically a gathering area, as the builders worked on houses. They had more than half of the people situated already. With our builders and group B's builders put together, they could build fast. Harriet was working with Gally to form neighborhoods. Groups of people had formed. The girls had tight knit circles all around, while our group had only one or two groups of people.

Not like we had a lot of people left anyway. . .

Our group consisted of Me, Newt, Brenda, Thomas, Aris, Frypan, and Gally joined us sometimes. After a few minutes, everyone had eaten enough so that the edge was taken off, and we started talking. Brenda started talking around a mouthful of potatoes

"So, have any of you guys asked for houses yet?"

Everyone except me and Newt nodded. Thomas looked at us

"You should soon, so you don't have to sleep outside again."

Frypan shot us a smug look

"Maybe you could get a house together. . ."

Newt had just put a bite of potatoes in his mouth and choked, coughing and sputtering. My own cheeks burning, I frantically handed Newt my water canteen, and started waking him on the back. Newt had managed to stop coughing, and was now just finishing drinking water. When he put the canteen down, he turned to me

"Bloody hell, you can stop pounding my back now."

I immediately stopped, and looked back at the others who were all laughing. Eager to change the subject, I started a new conversation

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