Part 6 Enemy Of My Target.

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"What happened to you after you passed out?"  Wednesday inquired.

"I woke up in the hospital bed. They said Tyler found me unconscious in the forest." (Y/N) recalled the event that occurred after he woke up from his slumber.

"My head was bandaged and I woke up to the sight of my mom besides me, Tyler and his dad in the corner of the room." (Y/N) continued.

"The doctor says that I tripped hitting my head against some of the boulders in the woods that night."

"Did you tell them about the monster you were chasing after?" Wednesday asks again.

"I did. They just shrugged me off saying that either it was some sort of vivid dream or an afterimage I produced in my own head. No one's gonna believe this kind of stuff from a kid. Tyler even says I was going crazy. Could you believe that? " (Y/N) chuckled at the statement he just made.

"But you're not crazy. I spend my summer in the asylum once I know what crazy looks like." The gothic girl replies.

"Well, now what? Are you gonna keep looking for the monster?" (Y/N) questioned the girl. Wednesday slightly nodded her head.

"Looking for a new pet perhaps?"  (Y/N) asks with a grin on his face turning his attention to the severed hand on the table.

Thing is clearly offended by the comment and flipped him the middle finger. "He's sensitive." "Dully noted." (Y/N) said nodding his head at Thing.

Wednesday shifts her attention towards the bottle sanitizer that (Y/N) left on the sofa. "The sanitizer. What can you tell me about them?"

"What, this?" (Y/N) picked it up and handed it over to the girl. "It's what I said. I've been using it for years. This brand in particular."

"Is it affordable in Jericho's grocery ?" The goth girl began fumbling the small sanitizer in hand.

"No. The grocery store here does sell sanitizer but not this one. Just something plain and simple. I got this one from Amazon." The girl somewhat twitch at the boy's answer.

"No not that kind of Amazon. I'm talking about the big company. Jeff Bezos the billionaire? You might have seen the advertising on your phone a few times."

"I refuse to be enslaved to technology. Hence I don't have a phone. It's just gonna be a waste of my precious time anyway." The girl replied.

After a few moment of silenece, Wednesday lifted her head up facing (Y/N). Staring at the cold deadly eyes of Wednesday shakes his soul down to the core.

"I propose an alliance." Both (Y/N) and Thing turned toward each other briefly before facing Wednesday again. "Meaning?"The statement clearly turned (Y/N)'s brain inside out for a moment.

"I've decided to stay at Nevermore for the time being. If the monster's still somewhere out there, I'm gonna find it. And you're gonna help me in my quest as well." The goth girl stated clearly not taking no for answer.

"Why would you need me for?" (Y/N) asks clearly didn't expect this kind of outcome from their conversation.

"Because unlike the vulture who got better and wider view from above the sky, the hyena is chained to the ground." What Wednesday says clearly caught (Y/N) by surprise.

"My parents sent me to Nevermore clearly is to restrain me and my freedom. Seeing that I'm gonna spend more than half of my time in Nevermore, I'm gonna do my investigation from the inside. You on the other hand is freer than me, so putting you on field works make complete sense." She concluded.

"Woah woah woah, back off a little bit shall we." (Y/N) raised his hands making a stop gesture. "What do you mean field works? I don't agree to any of this. Why would I help you with anything regarding this matter?" (Y/N) raised his voice a little.

"So that we can both prove to the people that doubt us. Show them that they're the ones losing their sanity, not the other way around." She stated with her dark eyes staring directly into his soul.

"Ok. Put it this way. Of all the people, I'm at the top of your suspect list right?" (Y/N) asks emphasized on your. The question stunned Wednesday for a bit. "The sheriff told me about your outburst the other day. So why came to me? Why not Tyler? You trust him right? Hell I trust him more than I trust myself." (Y/N)'s statement put Wednesday's brain in the Sahara desert as she became speechless.

"You're gonna take that sanitizer to the sheriff, told him of what I just told you, framing me, blah blah blah. Look the point is-" "I trust you." Now (Y/N)'s speechless. "I always thought I was different than everyone else. But after coming here, as much as I don't want to admit it, I was wrong. And I can't do this alone."

Their eyes met each other only for a moment. But for (Y/N) it felt like years. The last time he trusted someone, they ended up leaving or died. You're not different. You're special. His father's words ringing inside his head. The memories of him came to mind before Wednesday snapped him out of his deep moment.

(Y/N) blinked a few times, coming back into reality. "Well? Is that good enough for you?" She awaits his answer. Let out a big sigh, (Y/N) falls back resting his body on the sofa. "What do you want me to do?" He asks finally giving in to Wednesday's proposition.

"Information gathering and sharing. Suspects, rumors, leads, all of it. We'll keep in contact and whenever a lead shows up, we'll go and investigate together." She's definitely getting into this.

(Y/N) stay still for a moment, taking in what the girl just told him. He later lean forward grabbing the soda and pop it open. Pouring the drink into the glass on the table filling it half full. He then gently slide the glass across the table to Wednesday's side.

"Partners in crime then?" (Y/N) asks raising the hand holding the soda can mimicking DiCaprio. Wednesday picks up the half filled glass and lightly clink it against the soda can opposite her. "Partners in crime." They both proceed to sip their respective drinks. Wednesday finished her's and put the glass back on the table.

Thing then tap the table gaining attention from both the teens. Thing make some gesture. Pointing at (Y/N), drawing a big O, crawling with it's fingers before raising them forming a three from the index finger to the ring finger.*

*I tried...

"I didn't beat up three of them, I only managed to throw one punch, one knee, and a twist, before the grown up gets involved." (Y/N) said looking at the severed hand.

"You spoke Thing?" Wednesday asks seemingly a little impressed with her new team partner. "No....but I somehow managed to understand what he's implying." (Y/N) softly said furrowing his eyebrows dumbfounded.

"Maybe it's because I played piano, so I kind of understand. I guess..." (Y/N) says still feeling eerie with the mysterious exchange he had with the hand. Thing stood up making more gesture seemingly excited. Wednesday look at the hand then back at (Y/N) awaiting his responds.

"It's like what she said. I have lot free time. So I dedicated one hour daily learning and playing with my piano. It's right over there." (Y/N) says pointing at the corner of the living room. Wednesday just noticed the piano covered with a large cloth at the corner.

Wednesday stood up picking her bags and ready to leave the place. "I better get back before your mother noticed my absence. I expect full cooperation from you from now on. Thing, let's go." Thing jumped off the table and make it's way up to the girl's shoulder.

"How do you know she's my...You're eavesdropping didn't you." "Next time you wanna sneaks into Nevermore, I suggest you improve your technique. Might be useful when the monster shows up again." Wednesday exist the house and makes her way back to her school.

"Huh. What a weird night." (Y/N) exclaimed.

Part 6 done. Took me quite a while on this one.

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