Part 32 Aftermath.

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(Y/N) woke up in the hospital bed two days later wearing a hospital gown. His side is still hurt, mind is blurry and vision is hazy.

"(Y/N)!" Eugene is like the happiest puppy witnessing his best friend awake. Xavier was there as well. Both of them wore black color outfits. (Y/N) tried to sit up, with Eugene helping him.

"I'm gonna make a call." Xavier exit the room leaving the two.

"How are you feeling?" The boy asks the patient.

"Blank. What happened after I passed out?" He returns the question.

"We, lost Principal Weems. She sacrificed herself. Today is her funeral. Me and Xavier came here after the wake." (Y/N) felt guilty for what happened. She shielded him from his own mother.

"What about the others?"

"Just some minor injuries. The school is gonna closed for a while. They said the board is gonna sort out everything before reopening." Just then, a man walks in. His hair is grey and wavy, donning a black suit. (Y/N) and Eugene looked up at him.

"Guess you're here for the funeral too?" (Y/N) asks the man much to the shock of Eugene.

"Here for you actually." He replied. (Y/N) scoffed before telling Eugene to leave the room for the moment.

"Seems like you really know what you're doing." The man takes a seat at the stool besides the bed.

"All thanks to you J. How's Alex?"

"Somewhere between miserable and frustrated. Could be on his way to kill you." (Y/N) chuckled at the statement. They stay silence for a while.

"She's gonna be transfer to a prison somewhere in Seattle. When the timing is right, I'll arrange a visitation for you." The old man breaks the silence.

"Thank you. What about Tyler?"

"Solitary confinement. Can't let him loose inside prison." A knock at the door caught their attention. It was Wednesday and Enid, followed by Xavier, Eugene and Ajax.

"Didn't mean to interrupt, but she's persistent." Xavier said pointing at Wednesday.

"Come here to finish the job?" (Y/N) asks with a smile on his face.

"Where will they keep Tyler?" She asks the older man.

"So it's about the ex. Should have know." (Y/N) turned looking at the man.

"That's classified. But (Y/N) might find out."

"I do?" (Y/N) furrowed his eyebrows looking at the man.

"Who are you anyway?" Ajax asks.

"My dad's partner in FBI. Jason Watts. He's the one that got me out of jail that day. Dude's like an underground king. He got his hand on everything." Jason chuckled before he stood up making his way out the room.

"Tell Alex I said Hi." Jason stopped at his track but didn't looked back.

"Tell him yourself. I have a feeling that you're gonna meet him soon." He then exit the room.

"Who's Alex?" Enid asks dumbfounded looking at (Y/N) who just shrugged.

The next day, after he was discharged, (Y/N) visits Weems tomb. Wednesday and some of the nighshade members are with him. His hand is holding onto the staff he managed to steal from Crackstone.

"I don't suppose you're gonna Harry Potter this staff? It's too dangerous to just keep it." Xavier says.

"What's the fun in that?" (Y/N) turned around looking at them.

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