Chapter 23 Gamer 3.0

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Author's note.

Heh, could there be a romance blossoming between William and Marinette? Well, if there is, then it would be interesting. And in we're about to see William get a back door into EVERYONE'S lives. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 23

Gamer 3.0

Time 'til Election Day: 3

William was walking through the locker room when he heard a frustrated groan coming from the locker room. He then looked and saw Max looking at his Laptop with Markov, his personal robot, by his side.

"What's his problem?" Asked William. William then walked up to him.

"Hey, Max", said William. "What's got your nerves in a knot". Even though Max didn't like William, he sighs, hoping that William doesn't insult his work.

"I'm working on my game" said Max.

"Game?" Asked William with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm making a fighting game that includes all the heroes and Akuma's that have been seen in Paris" answered Max.

"You're, what,15?", asked William. "And you're already making an mmo? How are you not in college yet?".

"My own choice", answered Max. "And I've been trying to add the Wendigo into the game, per popular fan request". If it was possible, William would raise his eyebrow even further.

"The Wendigo's THAT popular?" Asked William.

"Indeed", said Max. "There's even a blog about him".

"A blog?" Asked William. Max then pulled out his phone and showed William. The website was multiple shades of grey and black and one of the main pages showed the Wendigo in various fights.

"It also skyrocketed after the killing of Bob Roth", said Max. "Yet, we don't know how powerful he is".

"I'll see what I can find", said William. "Just don't expect any face to face encounters with".

"I would only wish that on the worst", said Max. "Like Chloe and Audrey".

"Why not have your drone hack into the city's camera feed?", asked William. "I'm sure you can find some footage".

William then arrived at his room, and Scul then flew out of his pocket.

"Well, what do ya know", said Scul. "We're famous".

"This isn't about fame Scul", said William. "About doing a job".

"So, we can't bask in the glory?" Asked Scul.

"Not the way Chloe does" answered William. As he was putting his bag down, his phone buzzed. He opened it up to reveal an Akuma alert. It showed a giant robot made of cubes and triangles. The alert had dubbed this Akuma 'Gamer'.

"Really?" Asked William.

"Must be that Max kid" said Scul.

"Could be" said William.

"You know the words to say" added Scul.

"Scul, Devour".

Meanwhile, Gamer was rampaging through the city. And Ladybug and Chat Noir were hot on his trails.

"Your victory is impossible", said Gamer. "Hand over your Miraculous and I'll-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!". There was a great pain in the robots back, he turned around to reveal the Wendigo using a scythe to tear through the metal and wires. The robot then grabbed him and threw him off, straight to where Ladybug and Chat Noir were.

"Nice to see you joined the party" said Chat Noir.

"He just caught me off guard", said the Wendigo getting to his feet. "I'll seen rip the very flesh from his-".

"Don't! Stop wait!". All the miraculous wielders turned to see.......Max.

"Max?" Asked Ladybug in confusion.

"But if you're here", said Chat Noir. "Then who's-".

"It's Markov, my drone", answered Max. "He got Akumatized after we had a fight about the powers that the Wendigo had. Now, he's looking for him".

"Then he's gonna get them", growled Wendigo. "A cohort of mine said that you wanted to have a look at my powers. Well, you're about to get a display of them". Wendigo then ran forward before jumping off the top of a building. Mist then surrounded him and he grew to the size of the robot and slugged it right in the face, leaving a massive dent. His nails then increased in length and he then slashed across the chest twice and then stabbed him in the guts.

"Prepare to experience", said Wendigo. "Your worst hellmare". He then release the black mist from his mouth and it then entered the Robot's cracks. Gamer started to scream in pure terror. Shouting 'please, I don't wanna be scrapped', 'I'm still useful', 'have mercy on me'.

"Get your lucky charm ready" growled Wendigo. Three boney protrusions grew out of each arm and he used them slash across the robot's shoulders.

"Lucky charm!" Shouted Ladybug. After the yo-yo stopped spinning, what came down was a-.

"A crowbar?" Wondered Ladybug.

"I think Wendigo's got the beating part covered" said Chat Noir. Ladybug then looked around and saw that the robot's leg, the Wendigo and the crowbar were highlighted.

"I got it", said Ladybug. "Wendigo, break off one of the legs".

"With Pleasure" said the Wendigo. He then grabbed one of the legs and it then snapped off. The robot then fell to the floor.

"Hold him still" said Ladybug. Ladybug then ran onto the robot and ran straight to the head. She used the crow bar to smash the screen. Inside, was a green and black Markov. Ladybug then grabbed him and pulled him out the Akuma then flew out of one of the wires.

"No more evil doing for you, little Akuma", said Ladybug before spinning her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilise". She then swung her yo-yo and it caught the Akuma.

"Gotcha", said Ladybug before opening the Yo-yo and releasing the now purified Akuma. "Bye-bye, little butterfly".

She then threw the crowbar into the air.

"Miraculous Ladybug!". The swarms of Ladybugs then flew around Paris and fixed everything. Markov then returned to normal.

Later that day, William was in his room and he heard a knock at the door. The door opened to reveal Max.

"Oh, Hi Max", said William. "What brings you here?".

"I just wanted to say thank you" said Max.

"Thank you?" Asked William.

"The Wendigo said that you told him that I wanted to see what powers he had", said Max. "And I was able to scan a lot of them. Don't know if I got ALL of them, but the ones I got are pretty cool".

"Why thank you", said William as he placed his arm over Max. "But, can I ask a favour in exchange?".

"Sure", answered Max. "What do you need?". William then whispered in Max's ear. When he was done, Max almost turned pale.

"You, want me to make that?", asked Max, getting a nod in response. "But, that's quite advance, even for me".

"You got quite the brain in that head of yours", said William. "Yet, you're not using to it's full potential. Think about it, you could be the first to create such a device". Max thought for a few minutes.

"I'll do it", said Max. "I'll have it done as quick as I can". He then left.

"Such a smart boy" said William. 

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