Chapter 31 Loudmouth

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Author's note.

So, looks like William does have a heart underneath all that jackass behaviour. Now, the fun can begin. And boy is it gonna begin. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 31


The alarm clock went off, and Adrian woke up. He was still trying to wrap his head around what happened last night. He then heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" he said. The door opened and Valerie walked.

"Oh, hi Valerie" said Adrian.

"Morning, Master Adrian", said Valerie. "How was your sleep?".

"Very weird", said Adrian. "It's strange not getting up early to do photoshoots".

"Well, don't you worry about that", said Valerie. "Breakfast shall be ready in a few minutes. We're having Bacon and Scrambled Eggs". Valerie then left.

Meanwhile, William was getting dressed when Valerie knocked and came in.

"Breakfast will be ready soon, William" said Valerie.

"Thanks, I'll be down in a few minutes" said William.

Later, William and Adrian were sitting down for breakfast. William then noticed how fast Adrian was eating.

"Dude, slow down", said William. "If you keep eating like that you'll-". Adrian started to cough and choke. Before it could get worse, William slapped Adrian on the back. He then stopped coughing.

"Uh, thanks" groaned Adrian.

"Have you EVER had bacon before?" Asked William.

"Not in the quantity that's served here" answered Adrian.

'We'll, you need to eat more", said William. "According to Venessa, you are malnourished. But, that doesn't give you the excuse to eat so much that you choke on it". Adrian's phone then buzzed, he then looked at it.

"So, which one of the dipshits in the Akuma Class texted you?" Wondered William.

"Kitty Section are doing a rehearsal" answered Adrian.

"Kitty what?", asked William. "Is that a strip club?". Adrian blushed.

"No, it's a band", answered Adrian. "Julika, Rose, Ivan and Luka are in it".

"Okay, I recognise the names of Deathly Emo, Prissy Pink and Rock gut", said William. "But, who's the last one?".

"Luka is Julika's older brother", answered Adrian. "He can read people's 'Inner music' as he calls it". William cocked an eyebrow.

"There is a joke in there somewhere, but I don't know where", said William. "Should I even come with you? Apart from you, Marinette, Sabrina and Nathaniel, your class hates me".

"Pretty sure they can put up with you for me" answered Adrian.

"Alright", said William. "I'll entertain your idea". Adrian smiled. The Bones' limo then arrived at a boat house. Adrian and William then walked towards the house boat. There, they saw Julika, Rose and Ivan, but there was a boy with teal hair that William didn't recognise.

"Adrian!" Everyone shouted in excitement. William then walked in.

"And William" Julika said in disappointment.

"Nice to see you too, Julie" said William. Adrian then walked up to the teal haired boy.

"William, this is Luka" said Adrian.

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