Another Chance

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Megan: "Well...I don't know much myself, but when I was still a war nurse, I heard rumors that the young King was forced to live in poverty to make him understand what it means to be a commoner."

Alexandra: "That is harsh, but I guess it's sort of....okay."

Megan: "Yes, some say there have been harsher things going on in the palace at that time."

Alexandra: "Really? Like what?"

Megan: "As I said, I'm not sure, honey." Megan finished washing the pots.

As Megan and Alexandra talked, King Alendros and David walked into the cottage, making both women stop talking immediately after. Soon King Alendros, Eleanor, David, Megan, Alexandra, and Hugo were all sitting in the dining. However, Eleanor was in a wheelchair at the table.

Everyone started eating the roasted ham with cranberry sauce, a delight.

King Alendros: "You look well, Eleanor; how have you been after the accident?"

Eleanor looks at the young King with her good eye.

Eleanor: "I have been well, and I am assuming the entire kingdom has been doing well after your father's death?"

King Alendros: "The kingdom has been well though I have something I would like to say."Everyone looks at the young King with curiosity.

King Alendros: "I didn't just come here for horses; it was only one reason; the main reason I came was for Eleanor. I like to offer you something."

Eleanor: "And what is that?"

King Alendros stopped eating; he had a severe expression on his face now.

King Alendros: "During my reign, my father's enemies have been trying to take my land and other countries I have recently conquered; they think I'm weak. I succeeded in beating them, but I lost my best war commander during the last battle. I like to have you, Eleanor as my commander since you were the best during your prime, and you understand better than any of my war commanders combined."

Everyone was shocked to hear what the King said; indeed, he could see that the older woman couldn't walk and her left eye was deeply damaged.

David: "My King, excuse me to jump in here, but my mother can't walk, and her left eye is severely damaged. Even if she had none of those problems, the palace doesn't allow older people in the command." He said with a bit of concern.

King Alendros: "I changed that ruling 4 years ago, and we have developed a fabulous healing bath that will heal all your wounds, internally and externally. This shocked everyone, including Eleanor.

Just when Eleanor was about to speak, David spoke again.

David: "Sir, I am shocked by what I hear, but my mother has been through a lot; I wouldn't want her to be involved with fighting in wars and battles again."

King Alendros: "Well, that is up to your mother."

David and King Alendros both looked at Eleanor.

Eleanor: "Thanks, sir, but I would like to consider this first."

King Alendros: "I understand; if you accept, come to the palace, and we'll immediately start."

Once it was the afternoon, it was time for King Alendros to go. He stepped into the carriage after the coachman opened the door for him. King Alendros looked at the Fotheeth family.

King Alendros: "Thank you for the wonderful dinner Miss Megan and to you, Alexandra. Think about what I said, Miss Eleanor. Oh, and one more thing, Alexandra."

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