My Niri

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Megan: "Eleanor said the same thing before we left; she noticed Hugo at the window, and she said she sensed his aura." Megan said.

Grandmaster Gin: "Yes, I and Qin taught her that ability."

David: "How exactly does that work?"

Grandmaster Gin straightened himself first, "Well, we, the Trimurti race, are able to sense and perceive the energy fields that surround and emanate from every single living thing, animals, plants, anything that is alive. These fields are called aura, and they basically reflect one's emotional, mental, and spiritual state. We are capable of reading the aura and interpreting the information it contains, which can provide insight into a person's mood, mindset, motivations, and character. But just like any ability, there is a weakness. It doesn't always provide a complete picture of a person's state. Aura may indicate a person's overall mood or disposition, but it doesn't always reveal the specific thoughts and feelings that may be weighing on a person's mind. It also can be quite challenging to use in crowded or chaotic environments; it can be difficult to distinguish between different sources of energy. Which then makes us rely on other means of observation and deduction to make inferences about the people around us."

David: "Wait, since it doesn't really tell you the specific person's state, then how did you guess what Megan is going through?"

Grandmaster Gin: "Lucky guess." Gin smiled innocently at them. Which made Megan and David look at the strange Trimurti.  

Megan touched her pregnant stomach, "Well, is there a way to fix my problem? To get the voice out of my head?"

Grandmaster Gin: "It depends. What is the voice saying to you exactly?"

Megan felt uneasy; David saw his wife's uneasiness, so he held her in his arms, trying to comfort her. "She said the voice is saying 'mama' and it's not just any voice, the voice is our eldest daughter Alexandra, who...who died when the red sun arrived. Eldric killed her to bring the black dragon back to life." David said anger is within his voice

Grandmaster Gin's body tensed a bit before relaxing, "I am deeply sorry to hear about your daughter's passing. Losing a child is never easy, and dealing with the trauma and loss can be a long and difficult journey. Regarding the voice you're hearing, it's important to remember that grief and trauma can manifest in different ways. The voice may be a manifestation of your grief and guilt, and it's possible that the voice is a way for your mind to cope with the loss. But there are various ways we can help you deal with this issue. From meditation and self-reflection to energy healing and cleansing rituals, we have tools at our disposal that can assist you in overcoming this trauma. However, it's important to note that while we can provide guidance and support, the ultimate outcome is up to you. It will take time and effort on your part to heal and move forward."

David let go of his wife and looked at Megan with soft eyes, "Do you want to do it?" he said gently to his wife. Megan was contemplating; for some reason, she didn't want Alexandra's voice to leave because she didn't want to forget what her voice sounded like, but on the other hand, she didn't want to lose her mind, especially since she was still pregnant with her third unborn child.

Megan: "...Yes...I'll go through with it."

Grandmaster Gin: "Excellent. Now, I must warn you that this process can be emotionally grueling and draining. Are you prepared for what may come?"

Megan nods, accepting the challenge ahead.

Grandmaster Gin: "Excellent. I will tell one of the students to assign rooms for you and your son."

David: "Thank you...grandmaster." David helped Megan stand up, but just as they were about to leave, Gin said, "David, if you don't mind, I would like to speak to you." Gin said softly, David nodded and kissed Megan before she left the meditation room.

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