Chapter Three

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The woman led her gently into a small windowless room. Although brightly lit she still felt trapped in the space, her panic continuing to make her heart race. The soothing words of the women did little to calm her, as she was positioned in a chair and instructed to wait. Fortunately she didn't wait long, a cheerful woman joining them after only a few minutes. "Congratulations, your ladyship! You are going to find your true partner in just a few days. You must be so excited."

Emmeline nodded numbly, biting on the inside of her cheek to try and distract her from the flurry of fear she was feeling.

With dark, greying hair swept back into a neat bun and a spotless white and gold uniform, her examiner must have been in her mid-fifties. She was upbeat and lively as she explained the series of tests she would have to perform over the coming days. Emmeline nodded but took little of it in, her brain seeming to latch onto any words that were alarming and repeating them loudly in her brain.

Off the room she was currently confined to, was a small living quarters. Emmeline felt even more trapped as she was shown the single cot and tiny bathroom. She felt slightly better when she saw she had a window, but there was little to be seen outside other than a vast gravel courtyard that the other living quarters clearly also looked out onto.

"I'll let you change your clothes and then please re-join me in the other room." She smiled.

Emmeline took the bundle of fabric she was handed with another spike of panic. She had never dressed herself and was unsure how to undo the ties of her corset on her own.

The examiner paused, catching her flicker of concern. "Do you need assistance my lady?" Her tone wasn't patronising, but more maternal, like a parent speaking to a confused child. Emmeline hesitated, feeling immensely embarrassed, before she nodded. "I only need help with the back. I can't undo them myself." She admitted, hanging her head a little.

The woman just chuckled, following her into her bedroom and patting her gently on the shoulder. Gentle tugging told Emmeline she had begun, her corset suffocating her a little less with each passing minute. "I tell you. Women's clothing has become more elaborate since I was a young. How one could be expected to undo all this on one's own is beyond me."

Emmeline chuckled, feeling a little better. "I think that's the point. It shows off that you are wealthy enough to afford the help needed to wear such things." She wasn't sure where the observation had come from, but she knew it was true. Perhaps it was how friendly her examiner was, but she felt comfortable sharing her thoughts.

The woman hesitated for a second before agreeing with a hum. "I think that is an astute observation your ladyship."

"I never caught your name." Emmeline asked hesitantly, suddenly unsure if she was allowed to know this information. Moving around to the front to help her out of her heavy sleeves, the woman appeared pleasantly surprised. "I am so rarely asked. I am Mellissa."

Emmeline returned her smile; pleased that the woman across from her was more human than just an examiner. "I am Emmeline Elva."
Mellissa smiled. "I know, your ladyship."

Emmeline chuckled shyly, realising that of course she did.

Emmeline undressed and redressed herself quickly after Mellissa's help, finding the flowing smock rather freeing after the constrictive nature of her usual clothes.

Mellissa was waiting for her when she re-emerged with two cups of tea. If Emmeline pretended hard enough, she could almost imagine she was just at yet another tea party, rather than facing the person who would determine her future. "Come sit, and I will explain the process."


Author's Note:

Slightly shorter chapter today. I'm aiming to keep them between 1000 to 1500 words but this one is a little shorter because it seemed like a perfect stopping point. I'm sure you'll forgive me. 

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