Chapter Ten

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"I wish to have my things fetched." Emmeline demanded as her partner urged her into the carriage.

Behind her a deep sigh made her frown in frustration. Was it really such an unrealistic request? She didn't think so.

"Fine." Was all she got back before Cassius Marcellus walked away, his voice becoming more distant as he barked orders for her bags to be collected.

It was traditional to wait for the ceremony to end, only once all pairings had been announced were couples permitted to interact with the spectators who had gathered to watch. After that they could collect their things and change out of their pairing outfits. Emmeline sighed herself as she waited inside the carriage. Far finer than anything her family owned, the interior was comfortable and plush. Fussing over her sleeve she wondered how Cassius would react if she also insisted on changing before they set off. She was turning the idea over in her brain when she saw him return, the expression on his face answering her question for her. He would evidently not respond well.

Without a word he spun up into the carriage, his long legs making light work of the step. "Go." He commanded loudly, banging on the roof once with the side of his fist. Immediately the carriage jolted into motion, the wheels quickly coming to life as they began to speed away from the pairing centre.

For the first time she had a chance to really look at her supposedly perfect match. She had only had a few seconds in the pairing hall to take in his appearance, but now there was nothing stopping her from staring at him as he sat across from her, looking out the window.

He was undeniably handsome, dark hair and pale skin made his bone structure seem all the more chiselled. His firm jaw and cheekbones would have made him look gaunt if it weren't for his impressive frame. Wide shoulders and long limbs spoke of strength and competence in battle. Emmeline assessed him wordlessly; she had written healthy and protective had she not? Based on the physical attributes of her partner, she would say the matchmakers had done a good job. If only his demeanour wasn't so icy. Perhaps she should have also written cheerful, she pondered regretfully.

Once she had seen her fill of her uncommunicative partner, she joined him in staring out of the window. They were heading north out of the city, the opposite direction from her family's lands. If she had been sharing a carriage with her older brother or her friends, she would have made this observation aloud, something she often did, but Cassius' demeanour made it plain that he was not interested in talking.

Pulling her thin jacket around her shoulders a little tighter, she rubbed her arms gently against the cold. Summer was losing ground to Autumn and soon the sun would lose its warmth completely. Emmeline had always had to endure the cold, never having been given the luxurious fur coats that her brothers and sisters-in-law had. Her rooms had also been less stocked with firewood than her siblings' rooms, meaning her chambers had a near constant chill clinging to them during the colder months. Yet, despite her exposure to the cold, she had yet to learn to endure cooler temperatures comfortably.

"You are cold?" Cassius' voice cut through the silence that had blanketed them.

Emmeline glanced to meet his gaze; his eyes bluer than she had realised. "I will be fine." She replied, not wanting to seem difficult. His eyes seemed to hold her for a few seconds before he shrugged off his jacket, made of the same flimsy blue material as her own pairing outfit. He tossed it to her, with a gruff instruction for her to put it on before returning his attention to the world outside the carriage.

Emmeline held the jacket for a few seconds, looking at it before pulling it on over her own. "Thank you, your grace."

They left the city behind them and ventured out into countryside Emmeline didn't recognise. Cassius had pulled the curtains on his side shut and closed his eyes, leaning his head back and crossing his arms. Emmeline had watched his breathing gently slow as sleep took him. He seemed far more peaceful in slumber than he was whilst awake, the tense angle of his jaw relaxed, and his frown slackened.

Was this what he looked like when he wasn't so irritated?

If she took a minute to reflect, she too was irritated. Irritated at the man before her. Her perfect match had turned out to be nothing like she imagined. The Marcellus's were a very powerful family with estates far older and larger than her own family's. Yet she felt oddly, dissatisfied by this. She had come to terms with leaving her life as a noble behind and everything that that would mean; yet here she was in a silk upholstered carriage heading for a family seat of power with a partner who was neither interested nor impressed with her. She might as well have let her father arrange a marriage for her. The result would've been the same.

Watching Cassius sleep, recognition dawned on her. She knew where she recognised him from. He had been the one to organise his team during capture of the flag. She had seen him surrounded by his teammates gesturing and giving orders. She made a tutting noise. She supposed it made sense that he had organised his team so efficiently, the sons of grand noble families were taught to lead from birth. Commanding a few people in a game would've been second nature to him.


Author's Note:

Ten chapters? Woooo.

I feel like I should celebrate. Is that sad? I feel like it is. 

See you laters,


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