Chapter Thirty-Five

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It had been a dreadful week. She wasn't sure how long Ottilie was staying for, but she hoped it wouldn't be for much longer. Perhaps she was to remain until Cassius proposed? If that was the case she didn't think it would be much longer' Ottilie and Cassius seemed to be closer than ever.

Emmeline had been making a point to avoid them as much as possible, but she seemed to bump into them at least once a day; the two of them walking arm in arm and cooing softly to each other with soft voices. At first she had thought it a coincidence, but after the third time Ottilie had shot her a wicked grin, and she knew that these accidental run-ins were thanks to her.

Autumn was truly rolling in, and her chest of winter clothes were now the daily fair. The colder weather, coupled with the promise she made to herself, not to get sick, meant she was spending far more time inside. She had penned her thank you's to the friends that had written to her, and had sent a short update to her brothers and their wives, just in case they were worried. Mostly though, she read. Book after book, novel after novel. In the library at least, she wasn't quite so alone, the stewards and staff always making a point to welcome her.

After nine days Clementine entered the library with a furtive glance, heading for her with two envelopes held outstretched. Emmeline grinned, sensing that perhaps either Clementine had not been in the library before, or that she thought maids should be allowed inside. It was amusing seeing her glance around warily, as she made herself look as small as possible.

"Sit with me Clem." She commanded gently, biting back laughter at the desperate look Clementine shot her in response.

"Maids aren't supposed to be in here." She whispered.

Emmeline sighed, gesturing to the armchair beside her. "I am sure that is true for regular maids, but you are my Ladies' Maid, and therefore you go wherever I wish." She stated simply. "And what I wish, is for you to join me."

Clementine lowered herself tentatively into the chair, perching rather than sitting. "You received two letters today." She breathed, nodding jerkily towards the envelopes.

Emmeline knew who they were from at a glance, a purple envelope and an envelope with a large elaborate seal. Opening Emily's letter first she read eagerly.

Dear Emmie,


NEVER leave us so long without news again or I shall have to ride up to Marcelia personally.

It pains me to hear that your pairing is not as blissful as it might be. I hear that the North is not as sociable as the Capital. Perhaps that is why you and your pair have not yet been able to spend much time together?

If you find the adjustment to your new life to be too taxing, please know that there is always a place for you here with me. It would be no trouble at all. My husband and I have returned to our country estates to enjoy the last of the summer. I so enjoy the changing of the leaves here at the manor, and perhaps we might stay here till the new year. It is so peaceful here away from the rest of society.

Emmeline smiled at the words. She knew exactly what Emily was suggesting. Society looked down on women who rejected, or were rejected by their pairs. The Monts' country estate was extremely private, the perfect place to hide away from the judgement of society should she wish to leave Marcelia and Cassius.

It would be so good to have you come and stay for a while, with or without his grace. I shall let you decide whether or not he is worthy of my hospitality.

Grateful tears threatened at the edges of her eyes as she read the bold inclusion. It was in true Emily style to make such a statement.

I am holding a ball later this month to celebrate our wedding anniversary. I will be most aggrieved if you are unable to attend. The royal family do not attend such events, but perhaps if I were to invite you, the Marcellus' may be inclined to come. It would make my husband happy to have such a noble family attend, and it would make me incredibly happy to see you.

I shall be sending out official invitations soon so keep an eye out for my letter.

Emmie, no matter what, you are welcome here.

I look forward to your SWIFT reply.

Your dearest friend,


Emmeline accepted the cup of tea Clementine put in her hand. She hadn't even notice her getting up to fetch it. Giving her ladies' maid a watery smile she said nothing, but nodded her thanks.

She missed her friends with a forcefulness that almost hurt. They had spent time apart before, of course, Lavender's husbands' land were to the far North-East, meaning that she could be away from the Capital for months at a time. Emily too often returned to her husband's country estates for periods. Yet, for the first time, their separation felt more serious than just a few weeks or months apart.

She wasn't sure what it was about Marcellus' Manor, but it made the rest of the world feel distant and out of reach. Maybe it was the hilltop position, or the way the fog sometimes obscured the villages in the distance, but the very land itself seemed intent on making her feel isolated.

Drinking her tea, she glanced out the window to see rain lightly covering the glass. Taking a deep breath she thought over the contents of Emily's letter. If the Marcellus' were indeed invited to the Monts' ball, would they go? Emmeline took another sip. Whether they did or didn't, she would go. Did she need permission to leave the estate? She supposed that she would need Victor's consent, as his guest. Anxiety rumbled in her stomach at the thought. Would they take her leaving the estate to attend a ball, as her leaving the estate altogether? Surely not.

Choosing not to dwell on those rather unsettling thoughts, she turned to Lavender's letter, opening the lilac envelope carefully.

My Emmie,

It is so so good to hear from you at last. Emily was plotting to come and visit you unannounced if we hadn't heard by the end of the month. She was convinced you had been kidnapped or had fallen deathly ill. I tried to tell her you would reach out to us soon, but you know how dramatic she can be, gods bless her.

With that said, in future, do not leave us so long without word. Even I had to admit I was beginning to worry something sinister may have happened.

It is so fortunate that you have been paired with such an illustrious family; we were certain that you would be overjoyed, but when we didn't hear from you at once, our joy turned to worry. I reread your letter three times when it arrived and what I have to say is this.

Vast estates can be lonely places, especially when filled with unfriendly people.

Our lands are not so very far from Marcelia, and a strong pair of horses could get you here without trouble.

Artemis and Orion, she thought to herself. Gratitude flooded her once again for her friend's generous gift. If she needed to escape, she had the means to do so.

We are still in the Capital currently, but we intend to return to our seat in late January. Emily's anniversary celebration next month and my husband's work with the royal guard means we cannot leave till after Christmas.

He is having to work harder than ever to train new recruits; and I fear that trouble may be brewing, but he doesn't wish to worry me by telling me any details.

Perhaps I just worry too much.

Emmeline nodded along with the words as she read. Lavender was a terrible worrier, always jumping to the worst conclusions. She could picture her face, her eyebrows pinched delicately together with concern.

I look forward to seeing you very soon, perhaps at Emily's ball?

Wishing you well,


Emmeline stayed holding both letters for a long moment. She should have written to them sooner, should have trusted and relied upon her friends. It warmed her to know she wasn't alone, that she had people out there who would care for her, and protect her, should she need them.


Author's Notes:

35 chatpersssss woo!

S x 

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