Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Over the following few days Carmen did not emerge from her chambers. Much to Clementine's disbelief Emmeline asked after her, worried for the woman. The entire house appeared to be mourning the loss of their Lord. While Emmeline hadn't known him for long, he seemed a decent enough man. He had at least offered her compensation rather than just throwing her out of his house to fend for herself. He had also consented for her to remain at the manor when Cassius had asked, and for that she would always be grateful. The spring vases of flowers throughout the manor were swapped for white lilies. The spring soft furnishings were also switched for black. Emmeline had never considered that the curtains, the cushions, the bedding, hell even the rugs would be changed according to seasons for occasions until the spring colours had come to replace the warm reds and golds. It had pleased her to see the pastel shades brighten up the manor and it pained her to see them replaced with black, dark burgundies and deepest blues.

One place that was not impacted by the loss of Lord Marcellus, was the garden. As had been her habit since arriving, she escaped outside to be amongst the flowers and the fresh air when things became too stifling inside. With her new thick shawl, a gift from Arabella that had come with a note about how cold she had found the weather during her visit, wrapped tightly around her, she was moving amongst the daffodils when Clementine came running. "Mistress! From- " she heaved in a breath. "From his Grace." His Grace, rather than the young master Cassius. It felt odd to hear, but she supposed that was the way of things now.

With a thankful pat, she waved Clementine off and opened the letter. The words were still shaky but far better than they had been before; that improvement alone warmed her, knowing that he was recovering.

Dearest Emmie,

You must have thought me rude in my last letter. I apologise for that was not the case, although given my poor behaviour towards you before leaving I have given you plenty of cause to think me quick to impudence.

Thank you for being there for my mother. I suspect I shall find you firm friends upon my return home. The thought of you both waiting to welcome me back is keeping me focused. Did she not receive my letter to her? I sent it at the same time as my letter to you. Please ask her, for if she has not received it, I shall send another immediately. She must think me callous for ignoring her at such a difficult time.

As always, his letters were focused on the practical before he dwelled on more personal matters. She often suspected that he wrote the letter in two halves on different days, the two parts being so unalike they seemed ill suited to share a page. Emmeline walked inside as she read, the wind flicking the page in a way that was irritating to say the least. Her curiosity had her heading for the salon where she had last seen Carmen. There had been a stack of envelopes that she herself had tossed aside when the King's letter was opened. Stepping inside the room with its pink cosiness seeming all the more inviting after the chill of outside, she headed directly to where she had discarded the pile of letters addressed to Carmen. Rifling through she found one sealed with Cassius's mark and took it immediately upstairs. Folding the remainder of Cassius's letter to her inside her skirt pockets, she made a beeline for Carmen's chambers.

There were no less than five servants standing anxiously outside the door, the group discussing in whispers what to do. They started when they saw Emmeline approach, straightening up and smoothing their uniforms. "Is her grace awake?" She asked, holding up Cassius's letter to his mother as means of explanation.

The oldest man shook his head, she had seen him on multiple occasions in the library but had rarely had an opportunity to speak to him. "The Duchess is not feeling well."

Emmeline noted the looks of concern and sighed. "Well, I suppose I can't make her feel any worse then." She mumbled, tapping lightly on the door.

"Your grace - Carmen. It's Emmeline. I have a letter from Cassius for you. May I bring it to you?" Her voice sounded strained as she called through the wood, hoping the woman encamped inside would hear.

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