Chapter Twenty-Five

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Cassius's steps crunched as he traversed the gravel paths, the sound echoing across the deserted gardens. Night was gathering, the sun fading little by little as long shadows marched across the lawns inch by inch.

Sighing deeply he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose for a few seconds. Part of him wanted to scream. No one would hear him if he did, this place was barren. Despite having so much space he felt suffocated, his life in the Capital like a pleasant unattainable dream at the present. For the second time that day he longed to return.

Perhaps he would once this mess was dealt with.

Pulling in a deep lungful of air he balled his fists at his side, fighting the urge to yell. He was one of the most powerful men in the country, yet he felt utterly powerless. His parents had that effect on him.

Turning hard on his heel he headed for the stables. He sometimes shared a whiskey with the Stable Master Jaques, and tonight felt like a perfect time to sit by fire and ignore the world outside for a few hours. The lights of the stable block flickered valiantly against the impending darkness. It was dimmer on this side of the gardens, the shadows cast by the house, and the heavy tree cover obscuring the building from view, and the sunshine.

"Jacques?" He called aloud as he stepped inside, patting his horse as he passed the stalls. The pair of horses he and Emmeline had been gifted were stabled together, sharing a stall with their names burned into the door. Artemis and Orion. He smirked. The charred lettering was still fresh compared to the faded names branded on the doors either side. Popping his head inside slightly, he frowned upon seeing only one horse where there should be two. Perhaps one of the stable boys had taken it out for some exercise? It seemed a little late in the day for such things but he didn't waste another thought on it as he headed through the stables towards the back of the building.

Originally built by his grandfather as a way to escape his grandmother, the stables held a comfortable snug at the back of the building that was used as a smoking room after long hunts for his grandfather and his friends. Large leather sofas, comfortable rugs, a drinks bar on the back wall, made it the perfect place to relax without the stifling pressure of the main house. Years ago Jacques had been given permission to use it as he saw fit, the space having been left unoccupied for many years.

The familiar smells and sounds of a roaring fire filled the space as he stepped inside. "Jacques?" He called again, a little disappointed when there was no answer. Had Jacques been the one to take out the missing horse? It seemed unlikely but the stables were missing a horse and a stable master.

Shrugging, Cassius poured himself a drink and settled into the sofa nearest the fire. He wasn't cold, but there was a certain comfort in feeling the warmth of the fire through his clothes.


The sound of hooves had Jacques stirring from his seat at once. Discarding his glass on the side he left the snug without a word, the cool evening air making Cassius frown as it wooshed in through the briefly opened door. After a few seconds his curiosity had taken control, and he too was on his feet to go and see who had trotted in at such a late hour.

Laughter made him hesitate for a moment before he could open the door; it was a woman's. Pushing the door open cautiously he managed to watch for a few precious seconds before Jacque and the woman noticed him.

Cassius hardly recognised her. Emmeline was clad in form fitting riding gear, the dark leather modest but certainly revealing more of her figure than her usual dresses.

The evening chill had turned her cheeks pink, the rosy colour quite lovely against her creamy pale skin. Her blue eyes were wide and shining with excitement as her chest rose and fell breathlessly.

Cassius blinked, the cogs in his brain faltering for a second as he tried to connect this vibrant, vivacious woman with the girl he had been paired with. He could hardly compute that they were the same person. Emmeline's hair was wispy, stray hairs having been blown into a wonderful mess that suited her. Women often thought that it was extravagant clothes, ornate jewels, or colourful makeup that drew a man's eye, and perhaps for some men it was. Cassius however felt that bare of her usual finery he could finally see her clearly for the first time. Maybe it was something in the way she held herself, comfortable and confident. Or perhaps it was because it was the first time he had seen her genuinely smiling. Whatever it was, he had the strange sensation of being suddenly struck by something that should've been obvious. Like when you lose an item only to find it was right in front of you the whole time. Suddenly feeling stupid, and angry at his own foolishness he pushed the door open a little further, announcing his presence.

Her laughter had died awkwardly at once, although she did an excellent job of fixing her fallen expression upon seeing him. She straightened a little, the light in her eyes dampening somewhat, Emmeline acted as if he wasn't there as she handed the reins into Jacques' waiting hand, patting him affectionately on the shoulder and giving him her thanks before turning on her heel.

Cassius watched her go, tracing her outline with a new emotion stirring inside him. For a wild moment he considered chasing after her, even going so far as to take a few steps before his parents' words brought him back to his senses. The Elva's are a poor match for our house.

Sucking in a very long steadying breath he turned away from her retreating figure and headed back inside, pouring himself a whiskey so large it filled his glass to the brim.

Jacques' expression when he joined him some time later spoke volumes. A mischievous, knowing, grin made Cassius want to punch him. "Not a word." He warned, his glass half empty already.

The stable master held up his hands in surrender, his grin still very firmly in place. "She's one hell of a woman."

Cassius scowled at the fire, his grip on his drink very tight. "That's the problem."


Author's Note:

A huge huge thank you to everyone who is reading and engaging with this story. I get so excited whenever I see a new vote or comment.

Sophie. x

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