Chapter Forty-Four

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Inside, she was angry with him, furious. She wanted to rage at him for ever going to the pairing, for robbing her of a chance at happiness, for humiliating her, for everything he and his family had made her endure. It would feel so good just to wipe that self-confident expression of his face, but no good would come from that, so instead she focused on heading for the gardens.

Summer was well and truly gone as the wind whipped at her. Autumn had arrived like a bad mood, all cold breezes and overcast skies. Wrapping her arms around herself she strode out to the stables, determined for the second time to put as much distance between herself and the damn Marcellus's as possible. The stableboy just nodded in her direction as she headed for the horses, she and Cassius had been gifted. Artemis, her silver mare, was already saddled, so Emmeline wasted no time in hoisting herself up and kicking off.

If Cassius was following her, she couldn't hear him over the wind and the sounds of shivering leaves as they tried to cling onto their branches.

Her outrage carried her onwards, sheilding her from feeling the cold until the manor was just a small square in the distance.

This far away from the manor the gardens became wilder. Still beautiful but more meadow-like than the tightly controlled ornamental grounds that wrapped around the house. Large shrubs, taller than she was on horseback, had been artfully placed.

Without meaning to, she found herself heading for her lakeside bench where she had been left undisturbed, well until recently. Sliding down from Artemis' back she headed right for it. Riding had made her colder than she wanted to admit and sitting on the stone bench wouldn't warm her up any. Much of her temper had diffused, her chest rising and falling hard as she caught her breath. Focusing on her breathing she tried to calm herself down, dispelling the last of her anger. She was still upset, but she was no longer feeling tense and out of control as she had been.

The water rippled lightly, the breeze brushing its surface with invisible fingers. Sheltered somewhat by the large plants, Emmeline wished Cassius had never found her here. It had been her place to hide away from the grating laugh of Ottilie whilst Cassius fawned over her.

With an exasperated sigh she heard the approach of hooves, knowing who it would be. Why couldn't he just leave her alone?

He had wanted her out of sight and out of mind for the last few weeks but now that his distraction was gone, he wouldn't let her be.

"What do you want from me?" She called before he entered the small enclave.

Cassius dismounted, looking as frustrated as she felt. Clearly riding hadn't calmed his mind in the way it had for her, well, before he spoiled it. "It is fucking freezing to go riding out in that-" He gestured, yanking off his roughly jacket like it was what had offended him rather than her. "- and yet you ask me what I want? What I don't want, Emmeline, is for you to die of pneumonia." His language had shocked her but she barely had time to be affronted before the jacket was deposited unceremoniously on top of her head.

"My hair!" She protested, the weight of the jacket pulling her pinned bun loose on one side.

Cassius threw up his hands in the air. "Oh yes, because hair is what is important!"

Emmeline seethed; eyes narrowed at him as she pulled the jacket on. A large part of her wanted to throw it at him but her shivering won over that impulse. The wind had been colder than she had expected, the sun deceiving her into thinking it was warmer than it was.

Not wishing to look at him a second longer she turned to stare resolutely at the lake. Watching the calm water, she felt her energy leave her. It was exhausting all the posturing and fighting.

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