Chapter Thirty-Six

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Ottilie's shrill giggling still rang around the room after she had left. Cassius let out all the air in his lungs as if the weight of his tiredness was physically crushing him.

A lifetime of her? No. There had to be a better match.
Stretching out on his sofa, no longer needing to sit politely due to Ottilie's presence, he groaned as his limbs extended, his head flopping backwards.

Rubbing his eyes he promised himself he would speak to his mother about another match in the morning. He'd need to be tactful about it, his mother was already on edge due to Emmeline's presence. There really was nothing for it though. Pretty as she may be, he had never met such a superficial creature in his life. The pressures of being a duchess would bulldoze her.

He had been trying for days to appear content, hoping that if maybe he acted pleased he might eventually feel it. If anything, it had just made him feel worse.

Laying still at last he ran over the day in his head. It was a habit he had picked up as a child when he found things too overwhelming to absorb in the moment. It could be helpful to remind oneself of the day's action when you are young and trying to learn as much as possible. The pressure of being a sole heir left no room for forgetfulness. He had tried to seek out Emmeline at breakfast, he had been told that she liked to eat in the smallest of the dining rooms alone, reading the paper. Upon reflection it had been impulsive to go in search of her, but her silence at dinner had him trying to remember the exactness of what her voice sounded like. It had been days since he had heard her utter a word and it was beginning to play on his mind. Not that it mattered anyways because he hadn't made it more than five steps into the main hall when Ottilie had cornered him.

She looked particularly lovely in a green gown that complimented her red hair, but the illusion was ruined when she opened her mouth to speak.

What had followed had been an entire day of vapid drivel. Rumours from the capital, tales of her childhood, and how her father spoiled her, how she expected to be spoiled as a wife. Then when that well of conversation had run dry, she insisted on relaying every excruciating detail about her outfit choices and the competition for the best gowns in the city. Apparently, there was a shortage of seamstresses, and it was causing her great distress.

With both hands he pushed his hair back, eyes still closed as he frowned at the darkness. His mind began to spiral, he could feel it, his thoughts winding up to chase each other around and around until he was lost to sleeplessness. No, not tonight. He needed a good night's sleep if he was to convincingly appear interested when he faced Ottilie tomorrow. Forcing himself to get up, he set his mind on going for a walk. It would do him good, stop him over thinking, and hopefully tire him out enough to let him sleep peacefully.

The scents of the garden enveloped him as soon as he stepped outside. His mother adored the gardens of the manor, pouring her time and energy into making them so perfectly manicured and stocked with interesting specimens. He appreciated his mother's effort, the resulting beauty well worth its reputation.

It felt good to stretch out his limbs after sitting for so long. Ottilie had turned down his offer of a garden tour earlier, instead quite happy to keep them inside drinking cups of tea for the entire afternoon. Taking long strides he made his way down the gravel paths with a startling efficiency.

Smiling at his feet he didn't see Emmeline until he was almost on top of her. She too had her head dipped, her eyes tracing the lines of the book in her hands in the dimming sunlight.

Cassius had to reach out to steady her as they collided, her book going flying. Unconcerned with herself or him, she dived for the book, cursing that the binding had been scuffed by the gravel. "Watch where you are going!" She exclaimed, looking up at him with scandalised eyes as she cradled the damaged book like a baby.

Cassius tutted. "Me? You were reading whilst walking." He countered.

Emmeline rolled her eyes. It was a delightfully sarcastic gesture; the fluttering of her lashes as she scoffed being the most interesting thing he had seen all day. "No one ever comes out here. Forgive me for not expecting the unexpected."

He said nothing, a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. "Is the book okay?"

She tutted, mocking his previous sound. "No. It is scratched here, look." She offered up the book like she held a baby bird between her hands, so careful as she moved closer to let him see.

Cassius didn't even register the book as Emmeline stepped into his personal space. Like he was seeing her for the first time, really seeing her, he stared down at the woman the gods had determined his perfect partner.

Her blonde hair was moving lazily in the light breeze, the smell of bergamot and orange blossoms fanning across his face.

Taking a deep inhale he found himself suddenly wanting very badly to reach out and snatch a strand out of the air, if only to see if it felt as soft as it looked.

Mistaking his inhale for understandable upset, Emmeline nodded. "I know! The binding is marked." She said it so gloomily that he almost laughed.

"I- I'm sure we could have it repaired. Or perhaps the book rebound." Hell he felt like buying a new copy of the book entirely if it made her stop pouting at it like that. "I'm sorry." He added hastily.

On the outside he looked perfectly at ease, confident even. Internally however he was at war with himself. The logical side of his brain was shouting, what are we doing? Was demanding he return inside and banish all thoughts of the pair he was duty bound to reject. Whilst the emotional side of him wanted nothing more than to indulge his curiosity when it came to Emmeline Elva. He could be dutiful tomorrow. Right now he felt he had had enough of being a good Marcellus and wanted to talk with the girl he had been spying on through his window.

Oblivious to his internal battle, Emmeline shrugged. "I am to blame as well. I get too invested in the stories." She grinned a toothy, awkward grin. It was adorable.

"Then we are both to blame." He agreed. "Can I escort you back to the house?" He asked, offering her arm like the gentlemen he was. Emmeline just raised an eyebrow, not taking his arm but consenting to walk beside him.

"Scared that I am going to run off again?" She teased hesitantly.

Cassius smiled at his shoes. "Are you planning on it?"

She sighed, shrugging her shoulders again. "Who knows where I'll end up." Her voice was wistful on the wind as the breeze blew her perfume over him again.

Right here. He wanted to say, but he bit his tongue. It would be wrong to lie to her. House Elva was not a good enough alliance for House Marcellus. He needed a wife with wealth, connections, and political or societal sway. Emmeline was lovely, but she had none of these assets.

It made him smile a little less as they walked in silence back to the house. 


Author's Notes:

Sooooooo what do we think about these two? Let me know your thoughts.

S x

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