Chapter One Hundred and Five

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Emmeline had never been to a royal ball, and despite Cassius's reassurance that it was no more or less exciting than any other ball, her nerves were no calmer. During their journey to the Capital he had expressed that they needn't attend every single night, stating her bouts of illness and dizziness; but she had protested fiercely. Not only was this probably her only chance ever to attend a royal ball, but this would be the first time she attended a ball with Cassius where they could openly act like partners. At Emily's anniversary ball she had been under strict instructions to blend in and not enjoy herself, this time there were no such restrictions upon her. A permanent blush coloured her whenever she thought of that night, the way he had held her so tightly as they danced, the confused tension between them, the carriage ride home. She would never tell Cassius how often she had thought about the sensation of his hands on her waist while he was away, and a ball was a perfect opportunity to be close to him like that again.

By the time they had headed back to the townhouse, Emmeline was thoroughly tousled. Her hair had been pulled slightly loose, and her makeup was a little smudged. As they strode into the house Cassius was rubbing the lipstick off his face with the back of his hand. Clementine was waiting for them, along with Cassius' valet Patrick. Emmeline smirked when she saw the look Patrick and Clementine gave each other when they thought they were being observed. She made a note to ask her about it later.

Kissing him goodbye, despite them seeing each other again shortly, Emmeline headed for her chambers.

Is this my life now? She thought to herself when Clementine revealed the gown.. It didn't feel like she deserved it, to have all this luxury. Running her index finger down the fabric she traced the pattern of countless miniature gold stars, the symbol of the pairing. It was traditional for pairs to wear gold stars when they first debuted. She had worn her tiny secret stars during Emily's ball, but there would be no hiding these stars with her hand tonight.

The dark navy fabric was lightweight, made of many fine layers that would've been see-through on their own, but together made up her full skirt. The top was more revealing than she would've worn but it was the trend in the Capital to show off more skin, especially as the weather was growing increasingly warmer. Fine shoulder straps stood out against her pale skin. She had tutted when she had realised just how pale she was now. Too many months in the cold weather, wearing lots of layers had seriously lightened her complexion.

Stop. She told herself, looking away from the mirror. It was a horrible habit of hers to find herself looking for things to feel insecure about when she was nervous. Her outfit was spectacular, her jewellery staggering, and her hair and makeup was perfect. She looked far finer than she felt she deserved to, but she refused to let herself feel inferior tonight.

She was going to a royal ball. She, Emmeline Elva, had been invited. It was a dream come true and she was going to enjoy herself.

Descending the stairs it felt odd not to have a cloak with her. She had grown so used to needing extra layers for warmth, whilst in Marcelia that carrying one had become second nature. Running a hand down her own arm, she felt if her skin was cold, mildly pleased when she was warm. Cassius was at the bottom of the stairs watching her. His dark blue suit was a perfect colour match for her dress, too perfect to have been accidental.

Men's fashion was so different here in the Capital compared to in the North. In the northern regions like Marcelia, the men wore tunics and trousers, but in the Capital suits with jackets were becoming more fashionable. His suit was tailored to perfection and she couldn't help but admire the way it lined his muscled frame. She took the hand he was holding out for her as she drew close. Pressing his lips to her knuckles he bowed deeply to her, making her blush.

Twin gold stars were pinned to his lapel, standing out brightly against the dark fabric on the opposite shoulder to his military sash. Emmeline could hardly contain her happiness when she saw his broach. Lifting her fingers she brushed the metal pin just once before letting her hand drop, smiling shyly at her feet.

A long finger lifted her chin up, making her meet his gaze. "You are a vision." His smile showed off perfect white teeth, his smile wider than she had ever seen. Clearly she wasn't the only one pleased to be debuting as a couple tonight.

"If you feel unwell tonight, we will leave." He nodded, looking serious. Emmeline made a face.

"Cassius." She pouted, crossing her arms. "This is a royal ball, the Victory Ball. We can't miss it."

He waved her words away. "Balls, parties, and celebrations. There's always some party or other happening at the Palace. There'll be another one in a month when I officially pledge my fealty to the king." He sighed, his slightly harassed expression lightning when she leaned close to straighten his sash.

"This colour suits you." She smiled up at him, completely ignoring his previous complaint. Making a small growling sound he swooped down on her, kissing as she giggled and shrieked about him not ruining her makeup. Pulling away he observed the pink blush across her cheeks. Tapping his index finger on the tip of her nose he smirked. "And this colour suits you." Making her blush even more.

"We aren't leaving early." She asserted, holding his gaze.

Cassius placed his hand to her cheek. "Whatever you say."

The carriage again seemed unnecessary, especially when so very many people were walking past their gates to enter the palace. Nerves jittered in her stomach as the Marcellus family carriage rolled up to the palace. She had been to the palace repeatedly in the last 48 hours, but it was still breathtaking. Visiting the Capital with her friends, they had of course seen the Palace from the outside, from beyond the high walls and ornate gates, but she had never imagined she'd ever be allowed inside. Nothing had prepared her for the vastness, the grandeur, the excess. Pressure on her thigh drew her attention from the carriage window, Cassius' eyes teasing her with an affectionate smile. "You know, it's just so much larger than I had expected it to be." She grinned back at him, enjoying the way he was touching her so casually.

Carmen tutted but said nothing. Emmeline had been disappointed when she got in the carriage with them when they left, but she supposed it was only natural for her to attend such an important event. She just wished that she and Cassius would have been able to enjoy their evening without her negative cloud hanging over them.

As if he had sensed her disappointment, he squeezed her a little tighter, urging her attention back to him.

They attracted attention when they rolled through the palace gates. It would've been hard not to, the sheer amount of gold and decoration on the carriage making it impossible to miss. Cassius emerged first, helping his mother and then Emmeline out. She gripped his hand tightly but he just smiled. "Just wait till I get you on the dancefloor." He wiggled his eyebrows, twisting his head towards her so that no one but her could see. She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

The noise washed over them as they stepped through the impossibly tall doors. Carmen went first, being announced as the dowager Duchess Marcellus. Emmeline watched as she was almost immediately engulfed by a group of similarly aged women, all of them fussing over Carmen with sympathetic faces. There was a long exhale beside her and with a curious look she saw that Cassius was watching his mother vanish. "I swear, if she tries to introduce me to some young lady tonight , I'll lose it." He muttered.

Emmeline chuckled. "If she does, I'll come save you." She promised. Cassius gave her an intense look that made her stomach tense.

"I'll be counting on it." Raising her hand slowly to his lips he kissed her hand before turning and leading them inside.

"His Majesty, The Grand Duke Cassius Marcellus and his Ordained Pair, Miss Emmeline Elva." The announcer's voice carried over the din of hundreds of voices. This time when they were announced, Emmeline held her head high, not fearing to be seen at Cassius' side. He beamed down at her as they entered the Palace, a great many people surging forwards to introduce themselves to the new grand duke and his consort.


Author's Note:

Thoughts? What are we making of their dynamic now? I love your feedback. 

S x

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