Chapter Seventy-One

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The letter from the Elva estates, with both Madeline and Arabella's signatures at the bottom, heralded their arrival only a few days after Emmeline had sent her letter to them urging them to come. Emmeline couldn't help but feel excited as the manor prepared itself for guests. Closed off guest rooms were aired out, servants moving efficiently back and forth as the manor was freshened up. She couldn't help but liken the feeling to the manor taking a deep intake of air after holding its breath since the men had left. It was refreshing, and despite the still gloomy winter weather, she felt positively sunny as she waited in the library for her family carriages to arrive.

The distant sound of crunching gravel alerted her that her family was near long before she could see them approaching. Discarding her book in what had become her chair, she flew through the manor to the entrance hall where Carmen was already waiting. "Finally decided to turn up and greet my guests? How good of you."

She looked positively royal in her fine silks and dripping jewels, having dressed up far more than Emmeline had seen her do in months. It was easier just to ignore her than engage in a verbal sparring match that she was sure she'd lose.

Besides, her excitement was too bright to be eclipsed by Carmen Marcellus today.

The carriage looked splendid, even in the overcast light of the morning. One of the women, she suspected Arabella had seen to it that this carriage had been repainted, and polished and adorned so that it looked every bit as impressive as any other carriage that might arrive at the Marcellus family seat.

Emmeline couldn't hold herself still any longer, rushing outside despite Carmen's tutting, to greet her sisters-law. Loneliness had made her desperate.

Madeline was first out of the carriage, allowing the footman to guide her down the steps, before Emmeline pulled her into a crushing embrace. Tears flowed almost immediately.

Whilst she had never been best friends with any of her brothers' wives, Madeleine had always been kind enough to her, even more so through their recent letters. After so long of enduring coldness and isolation, her motherly embrace made Emmeline feel whole.

"Move over Maddie." Arabella moaned, a wicked teasing glint in her eye as she tugged Emmeline into a hug of her own. She squeezed her shoulder as she pulled away, studying her up and down with a frown. "How thin you are Emmie! Do they not know how to feed people here?"

Madeleine shushed her at once, giving her a harsh look which Arabella only shrugged off. "You cannot argue she is thinner, Maddie." She whispered loudly.

Madeleine rolled her eyes, turning to the second carriage which held the child and their nannies. Two elderly women were already ushering the children out onto the entrance, hissing about manners and behaviour and the reputation of House Elva. Emmeline recognised one of the women as her own nanny from years previous.

Her nieces and nephews had always brought Emmeline great joy and it was with little thought of decorum that she dropped to her knees and held out her arms for them.

Justus and Madeline's children Vera, Florian, and Samuel were joined by Felix and Arabella's only child, Rosalie. They rushed to their aunt, giving her hugs with their small arms, and peppering her with kisses and questions. Her tears flowed freely, the reunion meaning more to her than she would or could ever express.

Both mothers gave words of admonishment, telling them that it was not polite to treat their aunt like a climbing frame, little Samuel already half on Emmeline's back as he demanded to be carried with playful glee. Emmeline righted herself, wiping her eyes before holding out her hands for them to take, Vera and Rosalie bickered over who would have the hand that Florian had not claimed whilst Samuel danced around the four of them.

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