Chapter Forty-Eight

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Cassius obviously had spoken to his parents because Emmeline got a very stiff nod when she asked about the ball during dinner that night. Carmen spoke very little, her face pinched as she ate small irritated mouthfuls. Victor however seemed pleased to have been invited to a ball.

"It has been so long since we have been to a big event. Virgil hasn't hosted anything worth attending in an age." He boomed, drinking heavily; the very image of excitement when contrasted with his wife.

Emmeline smiled at her food, not speaking up lest it provoke Carmen, but not bothering to hide her happiness either.

Penning a rapid reply to Emily, and a letter to Lavender, she explained how the Marcellus' felt about attending. She was far more candid now, not bothering to mince her words as she explained how Carmen worried over her and Cassius being perceived as a couple in public. She also threw in how genius it was of Emily to flatter Carmen whilst also threatening to visit uninvited. Emily would never have dreamed her words would've been read aloud, but she felt like congratulating her friend's savvy all the same. She filled Lavender in on all the details, knowing that she would be keen to know what was happening.

Sealing her letters she smiled. She already knew what the replies would contain. There would be much speculation about the Marcellus', followed by a great deal of talk about outfits, followed no doubt by Emily complaining about how stressful event planning is. To top it off, there would likely be a reminder to reply very quickly to their letters, and that they couldn't wait to meet Cassius.

The thought of her friends meeting Cassius made her nervous. While she had agreed to reluctantly forgive his previous behaviours, in the interest of staving off her loneliness. Her friends were unlikely to be so understanding. In her mind she could just see Emily making a sharp remark should she be unimpressed by him; it would be so like her. Lavender wouldn't be as vocal, but she too wouldn't hesitate to make her thoughts known. 


Clementine had taken the news of such an important event with an excitement that bordered on maniacal. A seamstress was waiting for her when she returned from her morning ride with Cassius the very next day. Clementine chatted animatedly about accessories, fabrics, and styles.

If she had been living at the Elva Estates, she would've made do with what she had, or if she was lucky enough to have money to spend, she would've headed into the Capital to peruse the dress shops. The neighbouring towns in Marcelia, however, had little to offer in that regard. So, a seamstress it was.

Emmeline hadn't really been able to give much instruction when it came to her gown. The dressmaker had done a wonderful job of offering her different necklines, sleeve types, fabrics, colours and such. When she had ordered her clothes last time, she had simply asked for the latest styles and colours. This however, required more detailed instructions. Having never ordered such a dress before, Emmeline didn't really known what to ask for, instead ruling out what she definitely didn't like and happy to let Clementine handle the finer details. Escaping from her chambers with the two women still deep in conversation over sleeve lengths, Emmeline fled to the library.

"You took a long time." Cassius commented, his eyes still on his paperwork as he pens scratched back and forth.

Emmeline fell dramatically back into her usual chair with a huff. "Clem had a seamstress waiting to ambush me."

Cassius' eyebrow arched but still his gaze didn't lift from his work. "Are you needing more clothes?"

"No, no." She shook her head, blonde locks tumbling free as she pulled one of the largest hair pins free. Her head was aching and she felt in no mood for elaborate hairstyles today.

Blue eyes flickered up and then back down again as she did so. "I need a dress for Emily's ball. I've never ordered anything like it before, so I wasn't very helpful."

Cassius hummed. "I see."

They settled into comfortable silence as she opened her book, the page marked with the length of hair ribbon she always used. Cassius' head dipped again as he refocused on his work, the pair of them not speaking for several hours.

Emmeline wasn't really sure when it had happened, but she felt relaxed in Cassius' presence. They weren't friends exactly, but they weren't not friends either. It had only been a short time since Ottilie left, but the man sitting paces away from her now was unrecognisable from the Cassius she had known then.

This is, she supposed, what she had wanted. For Cassius to grow to like her through proximity. When she had first arrived, she would've been thrilled at how things were going; but as she sat looking at his bent over posture, she felt a sliver of uncertainty.

He was trying to be nice, to be friendly, as they had agreed to be. Yet, part of her knew she couldn't let herself get caught up in the moment and forget that no matter how affable he might seem now, Cassius Marcellus had no intention of being her pair long-term. 


Author's Note:

What do we think? Again, please do point out any grammar and spelling errors. It really helps.

Vote, comment, enjoy.

S x

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