Chapter Fifty-Four

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Cassius had allowed himself to have entirely too much fun with Emmeline. Every little touch she permitted him felt like a victory, and he was taking every opportunity to make contact with her when he could. Whether it be holding her hand, steering her with a touch to the small of her back, rubbing her shoulders when she got cold.

He was soaking it in. Emily Monts certainly knew how to throw a good party, the hostess swinging by several times and promising to come and find them later before she whisked Emmeline away for 'girl talk'.

He had wanted to protest but one look at Emmeline's face had quieted his objections. She had quickly been swallowed by a group of women who all cooed over her. Cassius promised loudly to come and find her in a short while, making Emmeline blush and the women around her to titter with palpable excitement.

Turning on his heel he went in search of company; the manor was vast but he knew he would find his father, or at least someone interesting in one of the cigar rooms. The familiar smells of tobacco wafted down one of the many hallways full of people moving from place to place or else chatting as they bumped into one another.

Passing three drawing rooms, one of which held his mother, recognising the back of her head and moving swiftly on, he finally heard his father's booming laughter.

Victor was obviously having a wonderful time. Smoke spiralled around the men in their leather chairs. It drifted lazily along, swirling up into ethereal grey plooms when someone moved and disturbed the still air. Cassius beamed at the sight of his father laughing heartily, his hand over his chest and his eyes crinkled as he responded to whatever the man had said beside him. It was nice to see him so at ease.

Having caught sight of him Victor wiped away a tear of amusement and threw an arm up in the air. "My boy!" He called overly loudly, gesturing him over.

A seat appeared at once, from where he wasn't sure but he didn't question it as he moved to sit beside his father. A lined man across from them piped up at once. "I spied you and your young pair. Such a pretty thing she is! Killian's youngest right?" He asked, turning to Victor as if Cassius himself wouldn't know.

Taking the glass of whiskey he was handed, Cassius drank deeply, enjoying the burn as it went down his throat. "Yes." He nodded, but his father was already talking.

"You know Albert, you are the third person to mention Miss Elva to me tonight. She is turning heads, it would seem." Victor noted, his words slightly slurred but his eyes still somewhat alert.

Cassius tensed a little at those words. He had downplayed his worries to Emmeline, but his mother's ferocity had shaken him a little. Determined as he was to push aside those concerns, part of him was anxious about what his parents might say if they heard how brazenly he had been acting.

"She is close friends with our hosts. Baron Jevani's girl Vera was telling my daughter that Miss Emmeline is very well connected amongst the Capitol ladies." Lord Gregory nodded like his words were sage wisdom rather than a tidbit of gossip.

Victor turned from face to face with a growing smile across his face. Cassius grinned, studying the effect the other's were having on his father. Deciding to push things further he threw his opinion into the circle. "I must admit, I have been surprised at just how many people have greeted my Emmeline tonight. She is far more popular than I had known." He noted innocently.

"One hell of a dancer too." Victor added, winking at his son. Cassius' eyes went momentarily wide. Had he seen her dancing with him or Atticus? Either way he didn't seem upset.

Albert chortled. "Best watch someone doesn't steal her out from under you then boy!"

Victor slapped his son on the back roaring with laughter along with the others. "As if someone could take such a jewel from us!" He boomed, draining yet another glass.

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