Chapter Forty-Seven

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Carmen looked positively harassed when she entered the library to see her son sitting too closely to Emmeline. Emmeline went to move away but the frown Cassius shot her, had her hesitating. "This arrived." She announced, brandishing an elaborate looking piece of paper. Cassius took it gently from his mother, studying the paper wordlessly before handing it to Emmeline. She knew what it was at once, Emily's ornate seal still hanging off the edge giving it away. She did her best to push down the grin that threatened.

Emily's last letter replayed in her mind. 'I shall be sending out official invitations soon so keep an eye out for my letter.'

"Baroness Emily's anniversary ball?" Emmeline asked innocently.

Carmen rounded on her. "You knew of this?"

Emmeline put on her most unassuming face. "Emily is one of my dearest friends, she has been talking about holding a ball to celebrate her anniversary for many months. Miss Otilie and I also discussed it at length when she was here." An out and out lie, but Emmeline wanted Carmen to feel like it was common knowledge that this event was happening, not that she had somehow schemed to get an invitation. If Carmen happened to feel out of the social loop a little at the same time, well that was just a bonus.

"I didn't realise that the Baron was so keen on his young bride." She noted, a tone of derision on her voice.

Emmeline didn't comment. Cassius scanned the invitation with an arched eyebrow, clearly interested.

As he was reading a frightened squeak sounded behind Carmen. Emmeline looked around the grand duchess to see Clementine retreating.

"Clementine, bring me that." She called, spying the envelope in her hands.

Clementine bowed graciously, handing her the envelope that also sported Emily's seal. Carmen's eyes zeroed in on it like a hawk.

"Open it." She demanded.

"Mother-" Cassius began but Emmeline just shook her head.

"It's fine. I'm sure Emily has just written to inquire if we received the invitation."

The letter included another invitation, a twin to the one in Cassius' hand, along with a written note. Reading aloud she began, hoping that there wouldn't be anything too 'Emily' written to read in front of Carmen.

My precious Emmie,

I have sent out invitations to my anniversary ball. I have sent one to the Marcellus' with the sincere hope they will accompany you.

Carmen snorted at the suggestion that the Marcellus' would accompany her, rather than she accompanying them.

Lavender and I are most anxious to see you. It has been so long and we are still most upset that you haven't invited us to visit yet. Lavender might struggle to attend such an invitation right away given how busy her husband is at present, but I can drop everything to be with you.

We are also both excited to meet your Cassius. There is a great amount of gossip about your pairing circling the Capital right now, as Lavender tells me, and it is long overdue that the two of you depute as a couple.

Emmeline hesitated a little, feeling Carmen's daggers without having to look up.

My husband is also most eager to see the Grand Duke and Duchess again. It is said that her grace is particularly beautiful and a wonderful conversationalist. I do so hope they will consent to attend our ball.

Relief flooded Emmeline at this addition. Flattery could go a long way, and she sincerely hoped that these few lines would stroke Carmen's ego enough to diffuse her inevitable anger at gossip in the Capital.

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