Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Cassius woke up to his father shaking him. Groaning, he held a hand to his head, trying to alleviate the feeling of his brain rattling painfully around his brain whilst Victor continued to shake him.

"Up! Up, you lazy lay about." He teased.

Cassius swatted him away, frowning. His father hadn't come to wake him since he was a child, and - hangover aside, he didn't see any reason why that would change now.

"Why - why are you here?" He grumbled, rubbing his eyes and getting very reluctantly from bed.

Victor laughed, a great booming laugh that made him wince. "A right sight for sore eyes, you are my boy." He praised, as if Cassius had achieved something very humorous.

Pulling on a pair of trousers and a new shirt he half glared, half squinted at his father, who was silhouetted against the bright window. "Come. I wish to shoot."

Cassius had no choice but to obey, trailing resentfully in his father's wake as they moved through the manor faster than felt sensible to Cassius' still unsteady feet.

Outside, there was a table set on the lawns. A large pot of coffee and pastries were awaiting them. Without waiting for an invitation Cassius slumped into one of the chairs, grabbing a pastry and shoving it in his mouth whilst a servant poured him a very strong coffee.

The sun was far too dazzling as he sat there, closing his eyes to the sky as he chewed. The cold morning air brisk against their skin. His father always loved to go shooting after a late night, claiming it chased away tiredness and sharpened the senses. Cassius didn't agree, but once he had gotten over the initial shock of being forced out of bed, he enjoyed seeing his father happy, and joining him on a shoot did just that.

Cassius remained seated during his father's first few shots. The loud bang seemed to reverberate through his skull each time, and the thought of holding the gun making that noise made him feel ill. "Come on Cassius." Victor beckoned after his fourth shot alone. Dragging himself into an upright position he moved to stand at his father's side.

"I saw you dancing with the Elva girl last night. A couple times." Victor voiced after a while, his words breaking the silence of their breathing. The estate was so quiet at this time, the servants still in the process of waking, those that were awake being careful to move soundlessly. Cassius took in a deep breath, the morning chill indeed chasing away any sleepiness that might have lingered.

"She is an excellent dancer." Was all he offered back.

Victor chuckled knowingly. "So I saw. The brother of her's and she are quite the accomplished dancers it would seem."

Cassius spun to look at his father. "Are you saying I'm not an accomplished dancer father?" Humour creasing the corners of his eyes. It was easier being with his father when his mother wasn't around. Ever since the King had instructed him to enter the pairing, she had been on edge and controlling. It was like her lack of control in one aspect of her life had made her become overbearing in other aspects, specifically surrounding her son. He loved his mother, but it had become a little tiring trying to live up to rigid expectations.

When it was just he and his father, he could talk without feeling the overwhelming pressure to please. Victor raised a hand in surrender. "I am casting no doubt over your dancing skills my boy."

Cassius grinned at his feet for a second before fetching his rifle and standing back beside his father. "I was surprised by her last night." He admitted, a little tentatively.

Victor nodded, searching the horizon. "You know, I feel the same way. I was... impressed. I told you so last night but i doubt you remember." He noted.

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