Chapter One Hundred

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"Uncle." Cassius sounded relieved when they walked into the throne room. In complete contrast to Emmeline who felt her anxiety growing, not lessening in the presence of the king.

"Cassius." The King boomed warmly, standing to come and hug his nephew. Cassius dropped his head respectfully but the King didn't allow the gesture of fealty, scoping up his kin into a large embrace. "So good to see you healed up." He nodded, patting Cassius' cheek. "And you must be my new niece!" He beamed.

Emmeline dropped into as low a curtsey as she had ever managed. "It is an honour, your majesty."

Above her the King tutted. "No, none of that. You will call me Uncle." He insisted, holding her shoulders to get a good look at her before also pulling her into a gentle hug. The fur of his cloak tickled her nose but she returned the King's embrace politely. It was overwhelming having someone she had only ever seen on coins, or portraits, speak to her so affectionately.

Acutely aware of the open doors behind them, and the many people who would be watching their exchange, Emmeline felt heartened that her first interaction with the king had gone so well.

"Uncle, allow me to introduce my lovely ordained pair, Miss Emmeline Elva." Cassius sounded proud as he took her hand.

Virgil Marcellus looked very similar to Victor, the same dark hair, the same shining blue eyes. Even their build was alike, large and muscular with wide shoulders. Looking at the king, she could easily imagine what Cassius would look like in twenty years.

"A pleasure Miss Elva." The king purred, kissing the back of her hand. She couldn't stop the smile that split her cheeks.

"Oh the pleasure is all mine." She countered. "Cassius has been most keen to visit you, your majesty."

Cassius grinned, pulling Emmeline into his side, his arm wound around her waist.

Virgil looked at the pair of them like nothing pleased him more. "I like her. Come, have wine with me." He commanded, gesturing to the collection of velvet sofas around a low table. "Leave us." He told the men who had been sitting there before, all of them getting up and melting away into the crowd outside without a word.

Emmeline sat carefully, still keen to impress as she kept her posture perfect. Cassius, in contrast, fell into the sofa beside her. He lounged perfectly at ease.

"Shall I swear my fealty now or later uncle." He asked, a cheeky grin on his face. Virgil tutted, his face amused.

"Probably best to do it in front of the zoo, eh?" He gestured his goblet towards the rooms they had just walked through. "The court likes to feel involved in these things."

"In all things." Cassius muttered, rolling eyes.

Virgil let out a bark of laughter. It still hadn't really hit her that she was sitting with the king, THE king. Her uncle-in-law to be? No, she couldn't wrap her head around it.

"Well Miss Elva." The King began.

"Please, just Emmeline is fine, your majesty." She offered softly, her eyes dropped respectfully.

A servant handed her a jewelled goblet and Virgil lifted his glass. "A toast to the newest member of the family. I pray you will feel welcome in my house dear Emmeline."

It was the highest honour she could've asked for. Although in a different room, the King's toast was taken up by the court, cries for 'Miss Elva' echoing. She blushed.

"Well, Emmeline, I must admit I was worried for a short while but I am glad that my nephew didn't prove himself to be an idiot." He smiled at his nephew, making Cassius laugh but roll his eyes.


"No, no Cassius, it's true. When I heard your mother was trying to arrange a better match for you I almost got involved."

Emmeline wasn't quick enough at hiding her expression. "No need to look so surprised dear Emmeline. I ordered my nephew into the pairing to avoid the whole circus that happened when my brother got married." The King paused at mention of his brother, sadness flickering over his features before he recovered. "I wasn't about to let poor Carmen meddle with the will of the gods."

Cassius looked pleased but there was a shadow of concern. "Speaking of mother." He began. "I fear she is not handling father's death well." Emmeline glanced from Cassius to the King and back. Was it right to mention this so soon? Cassius knew his uncle best, so if he thought now was the momentum she trusted his judgement. Virgil let out a long sigh before draining his goblet. A refill was ready for him immediately.

Remembering the goblet in her hands she took an initial sip. It was delicious, the fruit and spices of the alcohol unlike anything she had ever had before. She should ask Cassius to get some for her. She thought as she watched uncle and nephew talk.

"Carmen is unwell?" Virgil asked, looking deeply concerned.

Cassius made a face. "Physically she is fine, if not a little thinner. Her behaviour however, is proving..." He trailed off.

Emmeline sipped again, her stomach tense as she waited for Cassius to select a word. "Challenging."

Virgil made a surprised face. "Challenging?"
"Erratic, cruel. She is becoming prone to outburst, especially towards Emmeline." Cassius explained, the slump of shoulders slightly defeated.

Virgil drank and Emmeline copied, her sips far smaller than the king's however. "You are a man Cassius, and I will not tell you how to run your house. However, if you want my assistance, I shall give it. You need only ask."

Cassius said nothing for a long moment and Emmeline tentatively thought the moment might be right for her to speak. "Her grace may need someone to talk to to work through her grief perhaps." Her voice was smaller than she had intended, but her nervousness at interjecting made a higher volume impossible.

Virgil nodded, flooding her with relief. "It is a sensible suggestion. I shall invite her to visit me tomorrow for tea. I will see how she is for myself."

Cassius sighed, clearly grateful. "Thank you Uncle."

"It is my pleasure my boy. Whatever you and your pair need, you need only ask me. We are family."

Emmeline felt slightly warm from wine when she finished her second goblet, setting it down as refusing the refill she was offered. She had more food in her than she had had in days, but that didn't mean she wasn't still especially susceptible to the effects of alcohol after days without a full stomach. "Tea Emmie?" Cassius asked when he noticed her not drinking.

She nodded, smiling gratefully.

A couple hours later they were back in their carriage, Cassius face alight with relief as he held her hand. "I missed my uncle." He admitted.

The carriage ride seemed superfluous to her, it was less than a ten minute walk, but she understood that it was probably etiquette rather than laziness that made Cassius ride rather than walk the distance. "Meeting him was less frightening than I had expected." She smiled.

Cassius nodded. "He likes you."

She beamed at her hands, pleased. "I'm so glad."

"Me too." He agreed. "No one will dare question us now."


Author's Note:

100 chapters! I can't believe it.

Vote, comment, enjoy.

S x

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