Chapter Ninety-Eight

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The next morning Cassius was waiting for her outside her door. He insisted on helping her down the stairs even though she was perfectly capable of walking unaided. The breakfast they shared was delightful and there seemed to be an air of contentment, of sunny happiness between them.

When they re-entered the carriage it felt entirely different from the atmosphere when they had set off the day before. Without Carmen's actions hanging over them Emmeline was excited at the prospect of their visit to the Capital rather than anxious.

The hours went by quickly, they talked and laughed and spent the time filling in the blanks that their letters hadnt filled. By the time this distant silhouette of the Capital appeared on the horizon Emmeline felt like she knew Cassius better than she had ever known anyone. Likewise, she didn't think there was anyone on the planet who knew more about her than her ordained pair. Glancing at him she couldn't help but admire him. His arms were tucked behind his head, wide shoulders giving way to heavily muscled arms. The setting sun cast shadows across the handsome planes of his face, his angular jaw and cheekbones highlighted in sharp relief.

"I can feel you staring, my lovely one." He grumbled, opening one eye to look at her. She grinned, moving to sit on his lap before he even had fully held out his arms for her.

"I love you. Truly." She told him, loving how warm it made her feel just by saying four simple words. Cassius looked down at their entwined hands, chuckling.

"I love you so very much." He promised, reaching up to hold her jaw and kissing her hard.


The last time Emmeline had travelled to the Capital she and Atticus had had to wait to be admitted into the city. The Marcellus' suffered no such inconveniences. As part of the royal family they passed the line of waiting carriages, the grand city gates opening wide for them without delay.

Emmeline felt the urge to close the curtains of the carriage, people keenly looking and pointing at the new Grand Duke. Emmeline was keenly grateful that she had slid onto the seat opposite him as they approached the city. It would've been unbearably embarrassing to have had so many people see her sprawled across Cassius' lap.

"Hey." Cassius called, dragging her attention from watching the many people they passed, to him. "Are you feeling okay?"

Weirdly, Emmeline did feel okay. She hadn't been sick at all after last night's meal, or that morning's breakfast. It wasn't her stomach that was bothering her now.

"My stomach feels fine." She smiled, her cheeks feeling stiff.

Cassius rolled her eyes. "That wasn't what I asked, but I'm glad." Emmeline took a steadying breath.

"People are looking at us." She announced, her brow slightly creased as she frowned.

"We attract attention whenever we visit the Capital, but on this visit I suspect we will be of particular interest." He seemed completely unphased by this, not sharing her sense of growing nervousness.


Cassius gave her a long look before patting the seat beside him. She moved to sit at his side and at once he wrapped a strong arm around her. "Hmmm let's see. This is the first time our part of the royal family has visited since the war." He lifted his free hand up to fold down fingers as he listed each reason. "My father's state funeral is set for tomorrow. The new Grand Duke is visiting the King to swear his allegiance."

Emmeline smiled. "You."

"Me." He agreed. "Plus, said Grand Duke has been at the centre of court gossip since he was sent to the pairing."

Emmeline sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Yes, I can only imagine how times we are going to be asked about that."

Above her she felt Cassius nod. "Here's what I intend to say. The pairing gave us many tests, for intelligence, health, strength and such." He began, reciting the same spiel they had used at Emily's ball. "But it was worth it ten times over because it gave me the most perfect pair." He finished, kissing the top of her head.

Emmeline blushed, snuggling in a little closer, ignoring the outside world and instead focusing on the sensation of Cassius' chest rising and falling as he breathed. "Okay."

"Emmeline, we are going to be the centre of a lot of attention during this trip. It's just the way it is, but if at any time you feel overwhelmed, or unwell, you are to tell me." He twisted a little to look at her face.

"What if we are in the middle of something important?" She countered, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

Cassius squeezed her. "Nothing is more important than you."


Author's Note:

The carriage ride and all has gone on way longer than I planned but hey, extra chapters for you haha.

S x

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