Chapter Ninety-Two

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Emmeline munched on her fruit basket as Clementine braided her hair. Her maid had expressed how she wished to try an elaborate style she had seen a lady wearing at the market. Her enthusiasm had made it impossible for Emmeline to say no. Clementine had positively bounced with happiness, moving with a determination that had her frowning and biting her bottom lip as she worked.

By the time she headed down to breakfast she knew she was late. She hurried her steps, knowing that Cassius would be waiting for her. She rounded the corner and crashed headfirst into a hard chest. A pair of strong arms caught her, holding her under each elbow as she steadied herself. "Sorry I didn't - Cassius." She spluttered.

"I was worried when you didn't come down." He noted. "Are you feeling unwell again?"
Emmeline shook her head. Why did she always have to embarrass herself around him? Yesterday she was vomiting up her breakfast, today she was almost knocking him over in the halls. "Clementine took a little longer on my hair. Sorry I kept you waiting." She rushed to explain.

Cassius ran a finger over one of the braids atop her hair with a small smile. "As long as you are okay." Emmeline felt flustered, and his proximity didn't help. He had dropped her arms but had placed a large hand on the small of her back. It would take the smallest gesture for him to pull her tight against his chest, their bodies only inches apart.

Clearing her throat she stepped backwards, moving past him to head downstairs. She didn't know how to do all this. It was uncharted territory being so close to a man and she just felt like she was in a constant state of anticipation, her stomach tense and her heart hammering in her throat. It was immensely uncomfortable but also incredibly addictive all at the same time. She fought the constant urge to just grab him, knowing it was appropriate to be so familiar with a man she wasn't even engaged to. Her thoughts drifted to the numerous kisses they had shared. That wasn't very appropriate either, but Cassius didn't seem to mind. Maybe she was just overthinking things.

They took their breakfast outside on the patio, at her insistence that the fresh air made her feel better. It was gloriously sunny, though still chilly, and Emmeline waved away the sunhat Clementine offered her. The fashion had once favoured ivory complexions, the paler the better, but the younger generations preferred a more natural pallor. As someone who loved the feeling of the sun on her face, Emmeline was pleased that the preference for paleness was dying out. "You aren't worried about catching the sun?" Cassius asked in between bites of his food.

Emmeline had had the same as him, sausages and bacon and toast rather than her usual salmon and eggs in case the fish was the cause of her illness. She ate very slowly, putting down her cutlery every few mouthfuls to push down the feeling of nausea that accompanied it. There was a bitter taste to the food on some mouthfuls and she scrunched her nose up at it. "I like the sun." She gave a short answer as she focused on not being sick. Her last mouthful had tasted particularly off and her stomach was cramping in response.

"Emmie?" Cassius sounded concerned but she couldn't look up at him. Holding her stomach she bolted up from her chair, holding her mouth shut as she dashed inside.

Clementine steered her to the nearest bathroom that was mercifully close by. She entered just in time to empty her stomach into the toilet. "Clem." She gasped. "Water." Her eyes stung with tears as her stomach clenched painfully and more contents left her.

With shaking hands she took the glass and downed it, instantly spewing it into the toilets when it hit her stomach.

Cassius' steps sounded behind her, and she shooed him away with an outstretched hand. "Leave me be Cassius. I'll – I'll be out in a minute." She croaked.

Clementine made a worried sound as she retched again, the maid dutifully refilling the glass of water Emmeline was holding onto for dear life.

"Oh for gods' sake, let me in." Cassius exclaimed, adding his huge frame to the already crowded bathroom. He knelt down next to her, resting a hand firmly on her shoulder. "You don't need to hide this from me."

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