Chapter Six

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Mellissa had given her a heads up about the following day's social test and Emmeline had beamed upon learning the details. A gathering of five to ten women to drink tea, eat lunch, and chat. It couldn't have been more perfect as far as she was concerned.

Emmeline had been attending social events since she was a young teenager. Without a particularly powerful or wealthy family name, any friendships she had developed had been a result of her own kindness rather than a desire for family alliances. It was with this comforting knowledge that she entered the small chamber. She was good at making friends, she would show that.

A large mirror filled one wall, no doubt a two-way mirror so that they could be observed. There had been a scandal several years ago involving a depraved Marquis and a two-way mirror in his guest chambers. It had been a source of gossip for months and months and Emmeline had been wary of large mirrors ever since.

Pressing her fingertip the glass she nodded to herself, as her suspicions were confirmed. Sound behind her told her she was no longer alone and she spun at once, smiling to welcome her first companion in the empty room.

"Good morning!" She beamed, dropping into a curtsey automatically.

The girl did not return her courtesy, looking at her with mild disgust. "Are you some fancy noble or something?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest and ignoring those that were filtering into the room.

Emmeline cocked her head to the side in confusion for a second not understanding the hostility she was facing. "Lady Emmeline Elva." She smiled, offering her hand to the girl.

She stepped back, out of Emmeline's reach. "I don't trust nobles." She spat, turning and sitting at one of the small tables and pouring herself a large cup of tea.

The wind was knocked out of her sails a little but Emmeline did her best to shake it off as she turned to greet the next closest person.

To cut a long story short, her reception was less than warm once it was established she was a noble. The other girls did their best to exclude her without being openly hostile. They had enough trepidation to not be outright rude, but that didn't mean they were kind either. Emmeline spent an excessive amount of effort asking questions of the other ladies, offering her polite opinions, and laughing at others' jokes. The responses she received were clipped and tepid but she did her best to keep her smile fixed in place, like their behaviour didn't bother in the slightest.

"And how is it farming for turnips?" She asked good naturedly when one of the girls brought up the topic. Part of her was just being polite, but part of her was genuinely interested to know. She knew nothing of farming, the topic somewhat novel to her.

A young woman with reddish hair made an impatient sound. "God will you shut up?" She snarled, curling her lip at her as if Emmeline' very presence was a bad smell under her nose.

There was a smattering of laughter but Emmeline didn't react. "I was interested to know." She replied calmly, well she was calm on the outside at least.

Another girl weighed in, her blonde hair had been cut roughly short, the strands pale against her sun-tanned complexion. "Why? It's not like you've ever had to work in your life. Well, you will after this I suppose." She smirked.

The others joined in more fully now. It was as if the idea of a noble having to get their hands dirty was immensely funny to them.

Emmeline's face flushed red as she stared down at her perfectly uncalloused hands. She knew she was too easily put down by others, but she hadn't expected to face that here. Perhaps it was arrogance, but knowing that she would be one of a few, if not the only noble woman, had given her a false sense of surety. She had been sure that her practice at tea parties and social gatherings would give her an advantage in this test, now that feeling of confidence had shattered. Sucking in a breath she tried hard to push her embarrassment down. In the past she had retreated back into herself in moments like this, but not here. Not when there was so much at stake.

"Perhaps I will have to help my husband farm. At least I am willing to listen and learn from others." It wasn't the strongest response ever, but she made sure to deliver her reply with composure, with a straight back and her head held high.

The giggling died a little but not completely. Emmeline sucked in a steadying breath. "So, how does one farm turnips?" she insisted.

After two more hours of very uneasy conversation, with most of the chattering excluding her completely, they were collected by their examiners. Emmeline smiled wearily when Mellissa came into view. That test had been hard work, and while she felt that perhaps she had performed okay, it hadn't been as easy as she had expected.

The hallways were full of people and their examiners moving from room to room. The noise of voices swelled in the confined space, only adding to Emmeline sense of looming exhaustion. It was surprising how drained she felt. Normally one to thrive off social interaction, and after days of being alone in her room besides the visit of a doctor and Mellissa, she had fully expected to enjoy her day. Instead, she felt bone tired as she was guided back to her next test. Reaching their next stop Mellissa followed her inside for a few seconds. "You did well just now. That was- unfair." She searched for the word, giving her a sympathetic smile.

Emmeline tried to return her grin but didn't quite manage it. "Thanks."

She barely paid attention to the etiquette test that followed. It was mercifully short, her being asked a series of simple questions before being returned to Mellissa who was waiting outside the door. Emmeline supposed they didn't need to do extensive etiquette tests when most of the people who entered the pairing had never had proper etiquette lessons.

She didn't see the point. As the women at her previous test had pointed out, she would likely be a farmer's wife soon, and what need did they have for fine manners and etiquette?

Mellissa tried to draw her into conversation on the short walk back to her rooms but she couldn't quite muster the energy to respond with the appropriate amount of gusto. Her bed was calling to her and she wasted no time sliding under the blanket as soon as she was safely back in her rooms.


Author's Note:

Serious question - how does one farm a turnip? I have no idea.

Emmie isn't f**king about with no two-way mirrors. 

Vote babbbbyyy.


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