Chapter Thirty-Nine

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By the time Cassius had traipsed himself back up the house there was no sign of Emmeline. There was however evidence of his mother's presence. Her lady's maid Francis was standing waiting for him in the hall, her expression as severe as ever.

"Young master, your mother wishes you to join her in the orangery." Francis announced, not waiting for his reply. His obedience was obviously expected on this matter.

With a sigh he looked heavenwards for strength before following the ageing maid.

Carmen was settled at a handsome desk in the orangery, writing supplies spread out before her. Deeply engrossed in her letter writing she didn't even notice him enter until he took a seat before her. "Mother." He acknowledged, refusing the cup of tea he was offered. He had had enough cups for tea to last him a while.

Carmen ignored him, finishing her letter before he set down her pen and gave him a heavy look.

"You have not yet proposed to the Claude girl." She stated, clearly disappointed.

Cassius frowned. Had he been expected to? He had thought this trip was a chance for her and Ottilie to get to know each other, there had been no word of his finalising the engagement.

"No..." he noted, his tone confused.

Carmen sighed dramatically, one of his mother's trademark gestures. "Well I had thought you might take the initiative Cassius. I had hoped that you had decided to take the next step when you invited her out onto the lake with you." She muttered impatiently, returning her attention to her letter.

Cassius took in a breath, building his courage before he spoke. "Mother I dislike Ottilie, she isn't a good match for me. We can do better."

The silence after his words hung heavily. Carmen pretended not to hear him, the sound of her pen scratching across the paper filling the room. After a couple seconds he felt the tension might suffocate him. "Mother!" He demanded, reaching forward to still her hand.

Carmen stared up at him, her blue eyes full of disappointment. "You feel the Claude's are not a good enough alliance?" She questioned, her tone harsh. "Is this because of Ottilie, or because you are still clouded by the Elva girl?"

Gesturing helplessly he searched for the words that would defuse his mother's anger before it exploded. "Mother, the Claude family are a great alliance on paper, Ottilie however is not suitable to be duchess. She has none of your grace, or intelligence, or decorum. The weight of the title would suit her poorly."

He dodged mention of Emmeline, instead focusing on Ottilie. It never hurt to throw in a compliment, and feeling desperate he added hurriedly. "The future Grand Duchess of Marcelia must have the same savvy and skills as you mother. I see how helpful you are to father, and I know my future partner needs to be just as competent and valuable."

Studying his mother carefully he let out a silent sigh of relief when he watched her features soften. Patting his hand affectionately, she nodded. "You wish to follow our example." She beamed, her love for his father practically seeping from her.

Cassius nodded. "Of course." He encouraged, knowing that this was his best chance at getting his way.

"I know you went to great pains to arrange this mother, but please may you look for other potential matches? Ottilie Claude is just..."
Carmen finished his sentence for him. "I understand my son. She is rather vapid." She nodded determinedly. "It is a shame, but these things happen. I will write to let the Count know that we are still considering our options. That will give us time to consider."

The sensation of a weight being rolled off his chest made him feel lighter than he had since before the pairing.

"Thank you, mother." He said earnestly. "Thank you."

Carmen smiled affectionately at her son, squeezing his hand. "I just want my boy to be happy." She promised.

Feeling sure he had just carefully avoided an explosion, he almost skipped as he left the orangery. He had been so sure his mother would react as she had last time he had expressed his dissatisfaction with Ottilie. Yet instead she had been understanding.

A surge of love for his mother rose in him as relief at not having to marry Ottilie hit him.

That evening Cassius readied for dinner feeling better than he had in ages. With a positive pep in his step he headed down to the formal dining room for his final meal with Ottilie Claude, hopefully ever. 


Author's Note:

Honestly I'm glad to be saying goodbye to Ottilie soon, I hate her.

S x

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